#!/bin/bash # (c) Wolfgang Ziegler // fago # # Inotify script to trigger a command on file changes. # # The script triggers the command as soon as a file event occurs. Events # occurring during command execution are aggregated and trigger a single command # execution only. # # Usage example: Trigger rsync for synchronizing file changes. # ./watch.sh rsync -Cra --out-format='[%t]--%n' --delete SOURCE TARGET # # ./watch.sh rsync -Cra --out-format='[%t]--%n' --include core \ # --WATCH_EXCLUDE=sites/default/files --delete ../web/ vagrant@d8.local:/var/www ######### Configuration ######### watch() { EVENTS="CREATE,CLOSE_WRITE,DELETE,MODIFY,MOVED_FROM,MOVED_TO" COMMAND="$@" # echo $COMMAND $WATCH_DIR, $WATCH_VERBOSE ## The directory to watch. if [ -z "WATCH_DIR" ]; then WATCH_DIR=. fi ## WATCH_EXCLUDE Git and temporary files from PHPstorm from watching. if [ -z "$WATCH_EXCLUDE" ]; then WATCH_EXCLUDE='(\.git|___jb_)' fi ## Whether to enable verbosity. If enabled, change events are output. if [ -z "WATCH_VERBOSE" ]; then WATCH_VERBOSE=0 fi ################################## if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 Command" exit 1; fi ## ## Setup pipes. For usage with read we need to assign them to file descriptors. ## RUN=$(mktemp -u) mkfifo "$RUN" exec 3<>$RUN RESULT=$(mktemp -u) mkfifo "$RESULT" exec 4<>$RESULT clean_up () { ## Cleanup pipes. rm $RUN rm $RESULT } ## Execute "clean_up" on exit. trap "clean_up" EXIT ## ## Run inotifywait in a loop that is not blocked on command execution and ignore ## irrelevant events. ## inotifywait -m -q -r -e $EVENTS --exclude $WATCH_EXCLUDE --format '%w%f' $WATCH_DIR | \ while read FILE do if [ $WATCH_VERBOSE -ne 0 ]; then echo [CHANGE] $FILE fi ## Clear $PID if the last command has finished. if [ ! -z "$PID" ] && ( ! ps -p $PID > /dev/null ); then PID="" fi ## If no command is being executed, execute one. ## Else, wait for the command to finish and then execute again. if [ -z "$PID" ]; then ## Execute the following as background process. ## It runs the command once and repeats if we tell him so. ($COMMAND; while read -t0.001 -u3 LINE; do echo running >&4 $COMMAND done)& PID=$! WAITING=0 else ## If a previous waiting command has been executed, reset the variable. if [ $WAITING -eq 1 ] && read -t0.001 -u4; then WAITING=0 fi ## Tell the subprocess to execute the command again if it is not waiting ## for repeated execution already. if [ $WAITING -eq 0 ]; then echo "run" >&3 WAITING=1 fi ## If we are already waiting, there is nothing todo. fi done }