#!/bin/bash ungoogled_install() { module_load confirm module_load helpers SDIR=$(adirname ${1:-$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})}) if [[ ! $(which lastversion) ]]; then echo lastversion is not installed echo it is a required dependency for this script echo see https://github.com/dvershinin/lastversion return fi CUR_VERSION=$( /usr/bin/chromium -version | grep -oP '(?<=Chromium )[^ ]*') _repo="Eloston/ungoogled-chromium-binaries" NEW_VERSION=$(lastversion ${_repo}) echo "Ungoogled: Current Version : $CUR_VERSION => New Version: $NEW_VERSION" [[ $NEW_VERSION = $CUR_VERSION ]] && [[ ! ${1} == "-f" ]] && echo Latest version is already installed _temp=/tmp/ungoogled_chromium echo $_temp to download deb and install mkdir -p $_temp || exit &> /dev/null pushd $_temp &> /dev/null || exit echo downloading common deb lastversion ${_repo} --format assets --filter common_ -d common.deb lastversion ${_repo} --format assets --filter mium_.+amd64.deb -d chromium.deb echo installing common libraries sudo dpkg -i common.deb echo installing ungoogled-chromium sudo dpkg -i chromium.deb echo done installing, removing $_temp rm -r $_temp &> /dev/null || true popd >/dev/null confirm "do you want to install WidevineCDM for digital streaming rights?" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then module_load widevine-install widevine_install fi confirm "do you want to install the uci chromium start script in /opt/bin ?" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then module_load chromium-install chromium_install fi } # # if script was executed then call the function (return 0 2>/dev/null) || ungoogled_install $@