#!/bin/bash loginout_install() { module_load confirm module_load helpers [[ ! $(systemctl list-units | grep lightdm) ]] && echo lightdm not running on this machine, aborting && return SDIR=$(adirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") # echo source directory: $SDIR pushd $SDIR &> /dev/null || exit [[ ! -d /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d ]] && mkdir -p /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d echo copying 50-setup-cleanup.conf to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d sudo cp -f 50-setup-cleanup.conf /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d if [[ ! -d /opt/session ]]; then if [[ ! $(mkdir -p /opt/session) ]]; then echo unable to make /opt/session with user $USER, elevating to sudo _sudo="sudo" [[ $($_sudo mkdir -p /opt/session) ]] && echo can not make /opt/session, aborting && return fi fi echo copying lightdm-cleanup.sh and lightdm-setup.sh to /opt/session $_sudo cp -f scripts/* /opt/session echo setting execute permissions $_sudo chmod -R +x /opt/session/*.sh popd >/dev/null _user=${1:-${USER}} confirm "add a user .session folder for $_user" && add_user_session $1 } function add_user_session { module_load confirm module_load helpers SDIR=$(adirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") # echo source directory: $SDIR pushd $SDIR &> /dev/null || exit _user=${1:-${USER}} [[ ! $(user_exists $_user) ]] && echo user $_user does not exist, aborting && return _home=$(bash -c "cd ~$(printf %q $_user) && pwd") echo making $_home/.session folder for $_user # mkdir $USER/.session sudo -H -E -u "$_user" -s /bin/bash cpy.session.sh popd >/dev/null # confirm "do you want to install WidevineCDM for digital streaming rights?" # if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # module_load widevine-install # widevine_install # fi } # if script was executed then call the function (return 0 2>/dev/null) || loginout_install $@