Lightdm (gdm) is the login manager for linux ubuntu and mint (by default) If you need setup and cleanup that is ONLY done at lightdm login/logout then one can run a script to setup and cleanup the session by running the loginout-install script, requires sudo `module_load loginout-install; loginout_install ` # default is current user after loading common scripts this will ask if you want to add the .session folder for the user or if you just need to add a user .session folder afterward `module_load loginout-install; add_user_session ` the script does this in `/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d` adds a file `50-setup-cleanup.conf` ``` [Seat:*] session-cleanup-script=/opt/scripts/ session-setup-script=/opt/scripts/ ``` in /opt/scripts put two files below and make sure they are +x executable ``` #!/bin/bash echo "setup for ${USER}:${HOME} $(date)" >> /opt/scripts/lightdm.log log=${HOME}/.session.log if [[ -e $HOME/.session_login ]]; then su -c "/bin/bash $HOME/.session_login 1>>${log} 2>>${log} || true" $USER; fi ``` ``` #!/bin/bash echo "cleanup for ${USER}:${HOME} $(date)" >> /opt/scripts/lightdm.log log=${HOME}/.session.log if [[ -e $HOME/.session_logout ]]; then su -c "/bin/bash $HOME/.session_logout 1>>${log} 2>>${log} || true" $USER; fi ``` then in the user home puts `.session_login` and `.session_logout` files both executable in those you can do anything like bindfs and fusermount -u make sure you restart lightdm or reboot `sdr lightdm`