#/bin/bash # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman alias pm="pacman" alias pms="sudo pacman" # install including needed packages alias pmi="sudo pacman -S --needed" # remove a package and its dependencies which are not required by any other installed package: alias pmr="sudo pacman -Rs" # update all alias pmua="sudo pacman -Syu" # update only the repository database alias pmur="sudo pacman -Syy" # search for packages in the database, searching both in packages' names and descriptions: alias pms="pacman -Ss" # list all installed packages alias pml="pacman -Qe" # list packages with grep alias pmlg="pacman -Qe | grep" # https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/409903/201387 # get a list of user added packages alias pmlf="comm -23 <(pacman -Qqett | sort | uniq) <(pacman -Qqg base-devel | sort | uniq)" # get status of a package alias pkgst="pacman -Qi" # get info of a packaage alias pkgi="pacman -Si" # uses pamac to build/update an AUR. use in place of other AUR managers like yay alias pkaurbld="pamac build" pmig () { pacman -Q | grep $1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 } pmrg () { pacman -Ssq | grep $1 } pmnig () { local installed="|$(pmig $1 | tr '\n' '|')" echo $installed pmrg $1 | grep -E -v \'${installed}\' } pmnigv () { pacman -Ss $1 | grep -v "$(pacman -Ss $1 | grep "\[installed\]" -A1 )" | grep -v "\[installed\]" }