#!/bin/bash # this will superceed the ssh binary in order to source all the config files # "USAGE: ssh host " # put any additional SSH (man ssh) options after the host, aborting"# # if using ssh in another command use -r flag # this returns a string that can be parsed into an array # the array has three elements # 0 - host (mayb include user) # 1 - all ssh options # 2 - an sshpass command if -p flag was used # to user the arary do this. # # > module_load array # > declare -a ret # > String::split ret "$(ssh -p f filename -m -r test -p 32)" # > host=${ret[0]}; opts=${ret[1]};sshpass=${ret[2]} module_load net-utils module_load ssh-config ssh() { local pw;local cfg;local opts;local mp; local sshpass; local dr local host; local user; local script; local ret ; local key if [[ $SSH_CONFIG ]]; then [[ ! -f "$SSH_CONFIG" ]] && ssh_config "$SSH_CONFIG" cfg="-F $SSH_CONFIG" fi # echo passed: $* local OPTION; local OPTARG; local OPTIND while getopts ':h:u:mdF:p:ro:k:' OPTION; do # echo processing: option:$OPTION argument:$OPTARG index:$OPTIND remaining:${@:$OPTIND} case "$OPTION" in h) host=$OPTARG ;; d) dr=true ;; r) ret=true ;; u) user=$OPTARG ;; k) [[ $(isAbsPath $OPTARG) ]] && key=$OPTARG || key=${SSH_PUB_KEYS:-$HOME/.ssh}/$OPTARG opts+=" -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o IdentityFile=$key" ;; o) opts+=" -o $OPTARG" ;; p) # pw=$OPTARG #e, f, d case "$OPTARG" in e) sshpass="sshpass -e " ;; f) ;& d) # echo ${@[$OPTIND]} sshpass="sshpass -$OPTARG ${@:$OPTIND:1}" ((OPTIND+=1)) ;; *) [[ ! ( $OPTARG = "yes" || $OPTARG = "y" ) ]] && sshpass="sshpass -p $OPTARG" ;; esac pw=true opts+=" -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" ;; F) echo "using SSH Config file at: $OPTARG" [[ -f $OPTARG ]] && cfg="-F $OPTARG" || echo no config file at $OPTARG, ignored ;; m) # echo setting multipass mp=true ;; *) echo unknown run option -$OPTARG echo "USAGE: ssh host " echo "put any additional SSH (man ssh) options after the host, aborting" return 3 # opts="$opts ${@:$OPTIND:1}" # ((OPTIND+=1)) #echo remaining ${@:$OPTIND} ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) [[ (! $host) && $1 ]] && { host=$1;shift; } # echo extra ssh options and the command: $@ # echo host $host # return [[ ! $host ]] && echo host/ip required, aborting && return 2 [[ ! $user ]] && user=$(parse_user $host) if [[ $mp ]]; then user=${user:-ubuntu} [[ ! $host ]] && echo multipass host/ip required, aborting && return 2 # echo multipass host:$host user:$user module_load multipass ip="$(multipass_get_ip $(parse_host $host))" [[ ! $ip ]] && echo could not resolve ip for multipass instance $1 && return 5 [[ ! $pw && ! $key ]] && opts+=" $(multipass_ssh_options)" host="$user@$ip" else # not an mp vm [[ $user && (! $host =~ "@") ]] && host=$user@$host if [[ $user && $host =~ "@" ]]; then host=$(sed 's/.*@\(.*\)/\1/' <<<"$host") # option takes precedence host=$user@$host fi opts+=" $cfg" fi if [[ $ret ]]; then # return arguments so a command can be composed elsewhere { echo "$host,$opts $* ,$sshpass"; return 0; } else # run remote commands right here sshcmd="$sshpass $(which ssh) $opts $host" # echo extra args: "$@" # echo running command: $ "$sshcmd" [[ ! $dr ]] && $sshcmd "$@" || echo $sshcmd "$@" fi } # end ssh