
99 lines
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2021-10-29 19:58:13 -07:00
* adapted from
* https://github.com/drewbaker/fitToParent
(function ($) {
$.fn.fitToWindow = function (maxWidth, wPad) {
// console.log("in fit to Window")
// if more than one element
this.each(function () {
let $el = $(this);
// console.log(`element ${$el.prop("tagName")} ${$el.attr("class")} parent ${$el.parent().attr('class')}`)
// console.log(`before ${maxWidth} ${wPad} ${$el.data('maxWidth')} ${$el.data('wPad')}`)
var mw = $el.parent().attr('maxWidth');
maxWidth = mw ? mw : maxWidth
maxWidth = (maxWidth || $el.data('maxWidth')) || 450
var wp = $el.parent().attr('wPad');
wPad = wp ? wp : wPad
wPad = (wPad || $el.data('wPad')) || 5
let windowWidth = $(window).width()
let newWidth = (windowWidth > maxWidth) ? maxWidth : windowWidth - 2 * wPad
// console.log(`after ${maxWidth} ${wPad} ${newWidth}`)
// Initial Aspect given in attributes by element itself
let setWidth = $el.attr('width');
let setHeight = $el.attr('height');
if (!setWidth || !setHeight) {
setWidth = $el.width();
setHeight = $el.height();
// retrieve aspect ratio for element if none then set (first time)
var aspect = $el.data('aspect');
if (!aspect) {
aspect = setWidth / setHeight;
$el.data('aspect', aspect);
// console.log(`aspect set ${aspect} = ${$el.data('aspect')}`)
$el.data('maxWidth', maxWidth)
$el.data('wPad', wPad)
// console.log(`values set ${maxWidth} = ${$el.data('maxWidth')} ${wPad} = ${$el.data('wPad')}`)
// console.log("REGISTERING RESIZE")
$(window).resize({ el: $el }, function (event) {
newHeight = (newWidth / aspect);
// TODO conform to enclosing .box with max-height set
// need to detect wrap so adjustement can be made
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40012428/how-to-detect-css-flex-wrap-event
// var maxParentHeight = parseInt($el.parents('.box').filter(function () {
// // var mel = $(this).attr('class');
// // var mxh = $(this).css('max-height')
// // console.log(`${mel} ${mxh}`)
// return $(this).css("max-height") != "none"
// }).first().css('max-height'))
// console.log(`max-height of parent ${maxParentHeight}`)
// if (maxParentHeight) {
// newHeight = maxParentHeight;
// newWidth = (newHeight * aspect);
// }
// console.log(`new width and height before setting ${newWidth} ${newHeight}`)
// Set new size of element
// one time fit a element based on selector to the window
let fitToWindow = function (sel) {
if (sel) {
} else { Alert("no selector provided for resize event to call fitToWindow") }
// register a selector to be fitted to window on window resize
let onResizeFitToWindow = function (sel) {
if (sel) {
$(window).resize(function () {
} else { Alert("no selector provided for resize event to call fitToWindow") }