
169 lines
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// Smooth Scroll Init - Register click handler for ID anchors
$('a[href*="#"]:not(a[modal])').click(function () {
if (location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, "") == this.pathname.replace(/\/$/, "") && location.hostname == this.hostname) {
var target = $(this.hash);
target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']');
if (target.length) {
var targetOffset = target.offset().top - $(".nav-bar__header").outerHeight(true);
// console.log(targetOffset, target.offset().top, $(".nav-bar__header").outerHeight())
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: targetOffset
}, 1000);
return false;
// navbar mobile toggle - preload
(function navbarInit() {
function toggleMobileMenu() {
$('.nav-bar__menu')[0].style.transition = "max-height 0.5s";
function hideMobileMenu() {
$('.nav-bar__menu')[0].style.transition = "max-height 0.5s";
$('.nav-bar__menu-button, .nav-bar__menu, .nav-bar__menu-item').click(toggleMobileMenu)
// using an image for phone and toggle hide it
$('#cell').click(function () { $('#cell-number').toggleClass("hide"); });
// $('#phone').click(function () { alert('phone clicked'); return false; });
function navbarSpacer() {
height: $(".nav-bar__header").outerHeight(true),
// hero resizer
function heroResize(bfr = 30) {
var h = $(window).height() - $(".nav-bar__header").outerHeight(true),
w = $(window).width(),
fr = bfr * h / w
// console.log('w,h,fr', w, h, fr)
// minimum base font ratio
fr = (fr > bfr) ? bfr : fr
// adjust for short viewport height
fr = (w / h > 1 && h < 700) ? 30 * w / h : fr
//console.log('fr after', fr)
width: w + 15,
height: h / w > 1.5 ? w * 1.5 : h,
var mf = w / h > 1 ? 0 : 12
maxFont: 30,
minFont: mf,
fontRatio: fr
function typeResize(fr = 20) {
// maximum: 1000,
minFont: 12,
maxFont: 25,
fontRatio: fr
// Lightbox for Gallery
function lightgallery(id) {
// Intialize all the media i.e. photos with "media" id
// TODO use Hugo params to initialize multiple galleries/albums
var lg = $(id).lightGallery({
thumbnail: true,
thumbWidth: 80,
controls: true,
loop: false,
download: false,
counter: true,
// videojs: true
lg.on('onBeforeOpen.lg', function (event) {
$('.nav-bar').css("display", "none")
lg.on('onCloseAfter.lg', function (event) {
$('.nav-bar').css("display", "flex")
// Modal tool. Must use modal template for content
(function ($) {
// extend jquery so remove handlers can be added and removed at the right time in a group
$.fn.modalHandlers = function (state = 'on') {
if (state === 'on') {
$(document).on('click', modalClickOutside);
this.find('a[modal-close]').on('click', modalClickCloser);
return this
if (state === 'off') {
$(document).off('click', modalClickOutside);
$(document).off('keypress', modalEsc);
this.find('a[modal-close]').off('click', modalClickCloser);
return this
return false;
// modal event handlers - add more if you want - add them to extension above
function modalEsc(event) {
if (event.key === "Escape") { modalHide() }
function modalClickOutside(event) {
var container = $(".section__container--modal");
if (!container.is(event.target) && // If the target of the click isn't the container...
container.has(event.target).length === 0) // ... nor a descendant of the container
{ modalHide(); }
function modalClickCloser(event) {
// modal show and hide
function modalShow(modal_hash) {
var closer = "<a modal-close class='fa-stack fa-2x' ><i class='fa fa-circle-thin fa-stack-2x'></i><i class='fa fa-close fa-stack-1x'></i></a>"
$(modal_hash).find('.section__headline').append(closer).end().modalHandlers().addClass("current").css('display', 'flex');
function modalHide() {
// Register click event for all modal links on page
$("a[modal]").click(function () {
if (location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, "") == this.pathname.replace(/\/$/, "") && location.hostname == this.hostname) {
var target = this.hash;
} else {
alert(`modal display of off page content not supported`);
return false;
// end modal