# Additional Shell Repos to Source # BASH_SHELL is a common parent directory that should be set in /etc/bash.bashrc # unless below specific directories are set # shell files are sourced in this order # sourced via /etc/bash.bashrc so for all machine users # $BASH_SHELL_BASE # this MUST be set in /etc/bash.bashrc # $BASH_SHELL_NETWORK/all # $BASH_SHELL_NETWORK/$NETWORKNAME # $BASH_SHELL_HOST/all # $BASH_SHELL_HOST/ # sourced via $HOME/.bashrc # $HOME/shell or $HOME/BASH_SHELL_USER # within each of those directories if setup.sh exits it will be run # otherwise files will be sourced exactly like in the base # identify a network name that this host resides on # like hostname but for the LAN network # if unset then only /all will be sourced export NETWORKNAME=238 # will use $BASH_SHELL_NETWORK/$NETWORKNAME under this directory unless specifically set export BASH_SHELL_NETWORK=$BASH_SHELL/network # will use $BASH_SHELL_HOST/ unless specifically set export BASH_SHELL_HOST=$BASH_SHELL/host # by default SHELL sources will be looked for under $HOME/bash/shell # but can be user set below to $HOME/$BASH_SHELL_USER # export BASH_SHELL_USER=