#!/bin/bash # TODO if non interactive then send notificaiton instead attempting command function mv_chromium () { local _ch local ch _ch=$(command -v _chromium) if [[ $_ch ]]; then ch=$(dirname "$_ch")/chromium ## if chromium exits probably an update to so move again [[ -f $ch ]] && sudo mv "${ch}" "$_ch" && echo chromium updated: $($_ch --version) else # echo no _chromium ch=$(command -v chromium) [[ $ch ]] && sudo mv "${ch}" "$(dirname "$ch")/_chromium" || return 1 fi return 0 } function chromium_ () { local user local dir mv_chromium [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo chromium not installed && return 1 # echo chromium executable available and moved to $(command -v _chromium) exe=$(command -v _chromium) [[ ! $exe ]] && echo _chromium not set && return 1 user=${CHROME_USER} [[ $1 && ( ! $1 == -* ) ]] && user=$1 && shift user=${user:-$USER} if [[ $user == "$USER" ]]; then unset CHROME_CONFIG_HOME $exe "$@" else [[ $user == "incognito" ]] && set -- "$@" "-incognito" dir=${CHROME_CONFIG_HOME:-"$HOME/.local/share/chromium"} echo "$exe $@ --user-data-dir=$dir/$user" $exe "$@" --user-data-dir=$dir/$user fi } # # if script was executed then call the function (return 0 2>/dev/null) || chromium_ $@