set: description: Set attributes of a variable entity. fields: entity_id: description: Entity id of the variable whose value will be set. example: var.x value: description: The new value for the variable entity. example: 13 value_template: description: The new value template for the variable entity. example: "{{ }}" tracked_entity_id: description: The new list of entities for the variable entity to track. example: tracked_event_type: description: The new list of event types for the variable entity to track. example: sunset query: description: An SQL QUERY string, should return 1 result at most. example: "SELECT COUNT(*) AS todays_diaper_count FROM events WHERE event_type = 'diaper_event' AND time_fired BETWEEN DATETIME('now', 'start of day') and DATETIME('now');" column: description: The SQL COLUMN to select from the result of the SQL QUERY. example: 'todays_diaper_count' restore: description: The new restore value for the variable entity. example: false force_update: description: The new force_update value for the variable entity. example: true unit_of_measurement: description: The new unit of measurement for the variable entity. example: 'ounces' icon: description: The new icon for the variable entity. example: 'mdi:baby-bottle-outline' icon_template: description: The new icon template for the variable entity. entity_picture: description: The new picture for the variable entity. example: 'local/pic.png' entity_picture_template: description: The new picture template for the variable entity. update: description: Force a variable to update its state and atttributes. fields: entity_id: description: Entity id of the variable that will be updated. example: var.x