"""Provide info to system health.""" from homeassistant.components import system_health from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from aiogithubapi.common.const import BASE_API_URL from .const import DOMAIN from .base import HacsBase GITHUB_STATUS = "https://www.githubstatus.com/" @callback def async_register( hass: HomeAssistant, register: system_health.SystemHealthRegistration ) -> None: """Register system health callbacks.""" register.domain = "Home Assistant Community Store" register.async_register_info(system_health_info, "/hacs") async def system_health_info(hass): """Get info for the info page.""" client: HacsBase = hass.data[DOMAIN] rate_limit = await client.github.get_rate_limit() return { "GitHub API": system_health.async_check_can_reach_url( hass, BASE_API_URL, GITHUB_STATUS ), "Github API Calls Remaining": rate_limit.get("remaining", "0"), "Installed Version": client.version, "Stage": client.stage, "Available Repositories": len(client.repositories), "Installed Repositories": len( [repo for repo in client.repositories if repo.data.installed] ), }