David Kebler ba0f05436c added in systemd unit and scripts
added in APP_INSTANCE for custom start includine debug
first basic working version that has been deployed
2020-10-13 08:30:34 -07:00
custom-environment-variables.yaml first functional version 2020-10-11 16:59:46 -07:00
default.yaml added in systemd unit and scripts 2020-10-13 08:30:34 -07:00
dev-debug.yaml added in systemd unit and scripts 2020-10-13 08:30:34 -07:00
dev.yaml added in systemd unit and scripts 2020-10-13 08:30:34 -07:00
example-local.yaml first functional version 2020-10-11 16:59:46 -07:00
production.yaml added in systemd unit and scripts 2020-10-13 08:30:34 -07:00