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If you want to customize the color scheme of the theme to give it your individual touch you are just a few lines CSS away. In general, you have to override the defaults, the easiest way to do so is to create a static/custom.css file right in your site root.

All necessary class names are listed below. If you miss some classes for theming you are very welcome to fill an Issue. For some inspiration you can have a look at https://www.color-hex.com/color-palettes/. The following listing use the HC-primary color palette as an example:

{{< highlight CSS "linenos=table" >}} /* defaut link color */ a { color: #1c388e; } a:visited { color: #73bfb8 }

/* site header */ .gdoc-header { background: #e66a4e; border-color: #404040; } .gdoc-header__link, .gdoc-header__link:visited { color: #ffffff; }

/* page links */ .gdoc-page__footer a, .gdoc-page__footer a:visited { color: #1c388e; } .gdoc-page__header a, .gdoc-page__header a:visited { color: #1c388e; }

/* site footer */ .gdoc-footer { background: #404040; color: #ffffff; } .gdoc-footer__link{ color: #fecf50; } .gdoc-footer__link:visited, .gdoc-footer__link:hover { color: #fecf50; }

/* custom shortcodes / / button */ .gdoc-button { color: #495057; } .gdoc-button:hover { background-color: #eb8771; border-color: #e66a4e; color: #ffffff; }

/* hint */ .gdoc-hint.info { background: #d1d7e8; border-color: #324b99; color: black; } .gdoc-hint.warning { background: #fef5dc; border-color: #e4ba48; color: black; } .gdoc-hint.danger { background: #fae1db; border-color: #cf5f46; color: black; } {{< /highlight >}}

And that is how the result will looks like. Happy theming!

HC-primary Color Scheme