0.1.22 refactor bus functions so they are generated from a common function.

use the uci/base processing and namespaces
add a queue for bus function calls
rework all the examples
David Kebler 2019-09-13 19:23:12 -07:00
parent 06dd1b97c0
commit 85b1332da0
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export async function test (address) {
packet = {cmd:'read', args:{address:address ,cmd:9} }
// await delay(1000)
await delay(300)
console.log('========= done each relay, clear (off) this ============')
packet = {cmd:'write', args:{address:address,cmd: 9, byte:0} }