Commit Graph

12 Commits (master)

Author SHA1 Message Date
David Kebler 5c57e614e9 0.3.1 mcp230xxi rework
added default consumer socket to interrupt process, named pipe by default
 added commands.interrupt to consumer namespace so pushed packets from interrupt process will be handled.
interrupt process could still 'send' the packet if that is prefered but command would be prefaced with 'interrupt.'
Fixed the interrupt:reset ready observer to it will get the interrupt ready state correctly.
ready state after reset is sent in outgoing packet so action can be taken if something goes wrong.
creates an iterrupt name for observers based on passed or 'interrupt' by default.
Improved switches example that uses options read from yaml file.  Desgined to work with multi intererupt example and i2cbus example.
2020-03-24 14:51:03 -07:00
David Kebler 9a7fdd9539 0.1.38
added pin.cfgs for multiple pin configurations
refactored pin.status, pin._state to better handle multiple pins and 08 vs 17
  changed to not having default sockets but socket can be added by passing lport or lpath
  now supports new new uci-utils/ready module and adds an observer for when chip and pins are configured
   now supports new new uci-utils/ready module by adds an observer for when the interrupt process connects and also resets
   refactored the interrupt methods and commands to compliment changes in the interrupt module
2020-01-09 20:17:55 -08:00
David Kebler 95926a892c reorganizes commands
add new server/socket namespace "commands" for server side base module
add new namespace "commands" for consumer side for interrupt version of module
2018-07-31 10:35:53 -07:00
David Kebler a0eb28fdc0 upgrade to esm from @std/esm 2018-05-16 07:19:03 -07:00
David Kebler 9652041671 added mcp interrupt extension class that adds functionality to handle the mcp port interrupt using and external socket 2018-04-05 15:48:22 -07:00
David Kebler 342c6f98d2 improve refactor socket options, add _state to module export and bind all functions in pins and chip 2018-02-17 18:25:27 -08:00
David Kebler 3c21bd66da refactored to use new uci-i2c-device packet module 2018-02-14 19:01:08 -08:00
David Kebler da862a7c1a remove busSend now using base's send and sockets await send
add chip option chip17 when using 230017
add relay example
2018-02-13 18:21:59 -08:00
David Kebler f605508982 fixed chip.cfg so it sets BANK=1 correctly
added pin.status to read a pin, defaults to gpio regsiter if no reg: given in packet for others like olat
2018-02-11 19:56:44 -08:00
David Kebler 851b73c7f5 refactored pin config and pin state commands now handle various pins: property formats 2018-02-11 11:41:45 -08:00
David Kebler 8a9950459a basic commands working
configure chip
ack chip
cfg pin
change state of pin (on,off,toggle)
2018-02-10 15:28:51 -08:00
David Kebler 71bd508a0c first commit of packet based mcp code.
incoming packet interpreted and sent on to bus
listens for response and processes and sends back to requestor
Working pin.test example
2018-02-08 09:19:46 -08:00