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# assumes that bash is installed
# use this to improve same below
# install_shell_base () {
# # TODO have a cross distro package install
# [[ ! $(which git) ]] && apt-get install --no-install-recommends git -y
# [[ ! $EUID -eq 0 ]] && { echo ERROR script must be run as root; return; }
# local user
# [[ $1 == "-u" ]] && user=$2 && shift 2
# local dir=${2:-/shell}
# local repo=${1:-base}
# local rpath=$dir/$repo
# mkdir -p $rpath
# # TODO set git host via option or env var
# git clone$repo.git $rpath
# chown -R ${user:-1000}:${user:-1000} $rpath
# chmod -R +r $rpath
# }
# must! be run as sudo
install_shell_base () {
2024-02-27 19:21:28 -08:00
if [[ $1 == "-f" ]];then
echo forcing reinstall
2024-02-27 18:55:57 -08:00
if [[ $BASH_SHELL_BASE ]] && [[ -d $BASH_SHELL_BASE ]]; then
echo appears that UCI shell base is already installed at $BASH_SHELL_BASE
echo upgrade instead using: 'module_load uci-shell-install; update_shell_base'
2024-02-27 19:21:28 -08:00
return 1
if [[ ! $BASH_SHELL_GIT_URL ]]; then
echo BASH_SHELL_GIT_URL must be set before install can proceed
return 1
# TODO have a cross distro package install
module_load distro
[[ ! $(command -v git) ]] && echo git must be installed first && $INSTALL_PKGS git
# TODO, avoid which in all scripts. or put which in environment if not on machine
[[ ! $(command -v which) ]] && echo 'which' must be installed first && $INSTALL_PKGS which
echo $USER, $EUID
[[ ! $EUID -eq 0 ]] && { echo ERROR script must be run as root; return 2; }
echo I am ROOT, now running script
echo UCI user: $1
# TODO make the repo and clone values dynamic or bundle current base on sending machine a archive
mkdir -p /shell/base
git clone $BASH_SHELL_GIT_URL/shell-base.git /shell/base
chown -R ${1:-$1000}:${1:-1000} /shell
chmod -R +r /shell
2024-02-27 19:04:33 -08:00
/bin/bash /shell/base/install/ ${1:-1000}
# TODO now add BASH_SHELL_GIT_URL=$BASH_SHELL_GIT_URL to load directory
echo "export BASH_SHELL_GIT_URL=$BASH_SHELL_GIT_URL" > $BASH_SHELL_BASE/load/ucishellgiturl
# # if script was executed then call the function
( return 0 2>/dev/null ) || install_shell_base $@
install_shell_host () {
if [[ -d $BASH_SHELL_HOST/modules ]]; then
echo appears that UCI shell host repo is already installed at $BASH_SHELL_HOST
echo upgrade instead using: 'module_load uci-shell-install; update_shell_host'
return 1
if [[ ! $BASH_SHELL_GIT_URL ]]; then
echo BASH_SHELL_GIT_URL must be set before install can proceed
return 1
export BASH_SHELL_HOST=$(dirname $BASH_SHELL_BASE)/host
if mkdir -p $BASH_SHELL_HOST; then
if git clone $BASH_SHELL_GIT_URL/shell-host.git $BASH_SHELL_HOST; then
chown -R ${1:-$USER}:${1:-$USER} $BASH_SHELL_HOST
chmod -R +r $BASH_SHELL_HOST
export BASH_SHELL_HOSTNAME=$(dirname $BASH_SHELL_BASE)/$(hostnamectl hostname)
mkdir -p $BASH_SHELL_HOSTNAME/load
echo note: use $BASH_SHELL_HOSTNAME/load directory to load modules and other stuff from at prompt.
bash $BASH_SHELL_HOST/distro/distro.inst
install_shell_network () {
if [[ -d $BASH_SHELL_NETWORK/modules ]]; then
echo appears that UCI shell network repo is already installed at $BASH_SHELL_NETWORK
echo upgrade instead using: 'module_load uci-shell-install; update_shell_network'
return 1
if [[ ! $BASH_SHELL_GIT_URL ]]; then
echo BASH_SHELL_GIT_URL must be set before install can proceed
return 1
export BASH_SHELL_NETWORK=$(dirname $BASH_SHELL_BASE)/network
if mkdir -p $BASH_SHELL_NETWORK; then
if git clone $BASH_SHELL_GIT_URL/shell-network.git $BASH_SHELL_NETWORK; then
chown -R ${1:-$USER}:${1:-$USER} $BASH_SHELL_NETWORK
update_shell_base () {
cd $BASH_SHELL_BASE || { echo not directory $BASH_SHELL_ANY_HOST; return 2; }
if [[ ! $BASH_SHELL_GIT_REMOTE ]]; then
echo WARNING: BASH_SHELL_GIT_REMOTE is not set will use \'origin\'
git pull ${BASH_SHELL_GIT_REMOTE:-origin} master
update_shell_host () {
[[ ! -d $BASH_SHELL_HOST/modules ]] && echo uci shell host repo not installed, run install_shell_host first && return 1
cd $BASH_SHELL_HOST || { echo not directory $BASH_SHELL_HOST; return 2; }
git pull ${BASH_SHELL_GIT_REMOTE:-origin} master
update_shell_network () {
[[ ! -d $BASH_SHELL_NETWORK/modules ]] && echo uci shell network repo not installed, run install_shell_network if desired && return 1
cd $BASH_SHELL_NETWORK || { echo not directory $BASH_SHELL_NETWORK; return 2; }
git pull ${BASH_SHELL_GIT_REMOTE:-origin} master