David Kebler
reworked caddy script - removed cmdline support for netbind
systemd service install now uses sed to insert the repo directory into the call service script before deploying.
renamed install script to fetch as to avoid confusion as it fetches the basic binary.
2020-11-27 15:52:32 -08:00
David Kebler
moved all scripts to scripts directory and refactored accordingly
somewhat working example site with conf file
2020-10-27 10:09:20 -07:00
David Kebler
reworking scripts
2020-10-26 13:34:42 -07:00
David Kebler
fixed own (added +x so group caddy (sysadmin) has access to caddy made . directories
2020-07-28 10:15:30 -07:00
David Kebler
upated binaries with new route53 dns challenge
improved mkuser and own scripts
added a test web and test configuration.
2020-07-02 07:41:53 -07:00
David Kebler
change ownership to for running as caddy user but keeping the rest as sysadmin
2020-05-18 13:44:22 -07:00
David Kebler
added own script to just change ownership to caddy:caddy when mkuser has already been run
2020-05-18 07:54:51 -07:00