added hacs

David Kebler 2020-04-08 08:50:47 -07:00
parent 5584532549
commit 67298f67ef
74 changed files with 3672 additions and 69 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
"common": {
"about": "Om",
"appdaemon_apps": "AppDaemon-apps",
"background_task": "Baggrundsopgave kører. Denne side vil genindlæses automatisk.",
"check_log_file": "Tjek din logfil for flere detaljer.",
"continue": "Fortsæt",
"disabled": "Deaktiveret",
"documentation": "Dokumentation",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS er deaktiveret",
"installed": "installeret",
"integration": "Integration",
"integrations": "Integrationer",
"manage": "administrer",
"plugin": "Plugin",
"plugins": "Plugins",
"python_script": "Python-script",
"python_scripts": "Python-scripts",
"repositories": "Repositories",
"settings": "indstillinger",
"theme": "Tema",
"themes": "Temaer",
"version": "Version"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Kun en enkelt konfiguration af HACS er tilladt."
"error": {
"auth": "Personlig adgangstoken er ikke korrekt."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Aktiver opdagelse & sporing af AppDaemon-apps",
"python_script": "Aktivér opdagelse og sporing af python_scripts",
"sidepanel_icon": "Sidepanelikon",
"sidepanel_title": "Sidepanelets titel",
"theme": "Aktivér opdagelse og sporing af temaer",
"token": "GitHub personlig adgangstoken"
"description": "Hvis du har brug for hjælp til konfigurationen, så kig her: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Er du sikker på, at du vil tilføje dette til dine Lovelace-ressourcer?",
"bg_task": "Handlingen er deaktiveret, mens baggrundsopgaver kører.",
"cancel": "Annuller",
"continue": "Er du sikker på, at du vil fortsætte?",
"delete": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette '{Item}'?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' er installeret. Du skal afinstallere det, før du kan slette det.",
"exist": "{item} findes allerede",
"generic": "Er du sikker?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Vent venligst - Home Assistant genstarter nu.",
"home_assistant_version_not_correct": "Du kører Home Assistant version '{haversion}', men dette repository kræver som minimum version '{minversion}'.",
"no": "Nej",
"no_upgrades": "Der er ingen opdateringer tilgængelig",
"ok": "OK",
"overwrite": "Dette vil overskrive den.",
"reload_data": "Dette genindlæser data fra alle repositories, som HACS kender til. Dette vil tage nogen tid at fuldføre.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Er du sikker på, at du vil genstarte Home Assistant?",
"uninstall": "Er du sikker på, at du vil afinstallere '{Item}'?",
"upgrade_all": "Dette vil opdatere alle repositories. Sørg for at du har læst udgivelsesnoterne for dem alle, inden du fortsætter.",
"yes": "Ja"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Aktiver opdagelse og sporing af AppDaemon-apps",
"country": "Filtrer med landekode.",
"debug": "Aktiver debug.",
"experimental": "Aktivér eksperimentelle funktioner",
"not_in_use": "Ikke i brug med YAML",
"release_limit": "Antal udgivelser, der skal vises.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Sidepanelikon",
"sidepanel_title": "Sidepanelets titel"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "Denne integration understøtter config_flow. Det betyder, at du nu kan gå til integrationssektionen i din brugerflade for at konfigurere den.",
"config_flow_title": "Brugerfladekonfiguration understøttet",
"integration_not_loaded": "Denne integration er ikke indlæst i Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "Ingen genstart påkrævet",
"not_loaded": "Ikke indlæst",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Dette plugin er ikke føjet til dine Lovelace-ressourcer.",
"restart": "Du skal genstarte Home Assistant.",
"restart_pending": "Afventer genstart"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Tilføj til Lovelace",
"authors": "Forfattere",
"available": "Tilgængelig",
"back_to": "Tilbage til",
"changelog": "Udgivelsesnoter",
"downloads": "Downloads",
"flag_this": "Marker denne",
"frontend_version": "Frontend-version",
"github_stars": "GitHub-stjerner",
"goto_integrations": "Gå til integrationer",
"hide": "Skjul",
"hide_beta": "Skjul beta",
"install": "Installer",
"installed": "Installeret",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Kopiér eksemplet til din Udklipsholder",
"lovelace_instruction": "Tilføj dette til din lovelace-konfiguration",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Kunne ikke afgøre typen af dette plugin, tjek venligst repository.",
"newest": "nyeste",
"note_appdaemon": "Du skal stadig føje den til filen 'apps.yaml'",
"note_installed": "Når det er installeret, vil dette være placeret i",
"note_integration": "du skal stadig føje den til filen 'configuration.yaml'",
"note_plugin": "du skal stadig tilføje det til din lovelace-konfiguration ('ui-lovelace.yaml' eller Tekstbaseret redigering)",
"open_issue": "Opret issue",
"open_plugin": "Åbn plugin",
"reinstall": "Geninstaller",
"repository": "Repository",
"restart_home_assistant": "Genstart Home Assistant",
"show_beta": "Vis beta",
"uninstall": "Afinstaller",
"update_information": "Opdater oplysninger",
"upgrade": "Opdater"
"settings": {
"adding_new_repo": "Tilføjer nyt repository '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "Med kategorien '{category}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "Brugerdefinerede repositories er skjult, mens opgaver i baggrunden kører.",
"category": "Kategori",
"compact_mode": "Kompakt tilstand",
"delete": "Slet",
"display": "Visning",
"grid": "Gitter",
"hacs_repo": "HACS-repo",
"hidden_repositories": "Skjulte repositories",
"missing_category": "Du skal vælge en kategori",
"open_repository": "Åbn repository",
"reload_data": "Genindlæs data",
"reload_window": "Genindlæs vindue",
"repository_configuration": "Konfiguration af repository",
"save": "Gem",
"table": "Tabel",
"table_view": "Tabelvisning",
"unhide": "Vis",
"upgrade_all": "Opdater alle"
"store": {
"ascending": "stigende",
"clear_new": "Marker alle som set",
"descending": "faldende",
"last_updated": "Sidst opdateret",
"name": "Navn",
"new_repositories": "Nye repositories",
"pending_upgrades": "Afventende opdateringer",
"placeholder_search": "Indtast en søgeterm...",
"sort": "sorter",
"stars": "Stjerner",
"status": "Status"
"time": {
"ago": "siden",
"day": "dag",
"days": "dage",
"hour": "time",
"hours": "timer",
"minute": "minut",
"minutes": "minutter",
"month": "måned",
"months": "måneder",
"one": "Et",
"one_day_ago": "en dag siden",
"one_hour_ago": "en time siden",
"one_minute_ago": "et minut siden",
"one_month_ago": "en måned siden",
"one_second_ago": "et sekund siden",
"one_year_ago": "et år siden",
"second": "sekund",
"seconds": "sekunder",
"x_days_ago": "{x} dage siden",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} timer siden",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} minutter siden",
"x_months_ago": "{x} måneder siden",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} sekunder siden",
"x_years_ago": "{x} år siden",
"year": "år",
"years": "år"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
"common": {
"about": "Über",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "AppDaemon Apps",
"background_task": "Hintergrundprozess läuft. Diese Seite lädt neu, sobald dieser fertig ist.",
"check_log_file": "Überprüfe die Logdatei für weitere Informationen.",
"continue": "Fortfahren",
"disabled": "Deaktiviert",
"documentation": "Dokumentation",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS ist deaktiviert",
"installed": "Installiert",
"integration": "Integration",
"integrations": "Integrationen",
"manage": "verwalten",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "NetDaemon Apps",
"plugin": "Plugin",
"plugins": "Plugins",
"python_script": "Python Skript",
"python_scripts": "Python Skripte",
"repositories": "Repositories",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"theme": "Theme",
"themes": "Themes",
"version": "Version"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Es ist nur eine einzelne HACS-Instanz erlaubt."
"error": {
"auth": "Persönlicher Zugriffstoken ist falsch."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon App-Entdeckung & Nachverfolgung aktivieren",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon App-Entdeckung & Nachverfolgung aktivieren",
"python_script": "Python Script-Entdeckung & Nachverfolgung aktivieren",
"sidepanel_icon": "Sidepanel Symbol",
"sidepanel_title": "Sidepanel Titel",
"theme": "Theme-Entdeckung & Nachverfolgung aktivieren",
"token": "Persönlicher GitHub Zugriffstoken"
"description": "Wenn du Hilfe mit den Einstellungen brauchst, kannst du hier nachsehen: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Möchtest du dies wirklich zu deinen Lovelace-Ressourcen hinzufügen?",
"bg_task": "Die Aktion ist deaktiviert, während Hintergrundprozesse ausgeführt werden.",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"continue": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du fortfahren möchtest?",
"delete": "Möchtest du '{item}' wirklich löschen?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' ist installiert. Du musst es deinstallieren, bevor du es löschen kannst.",
"exist": "{item} existiert bereits",
"generic": "Bist du dir sicher?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Bitte warte, Home Assistant wird jetzt neu gestartet.",
"home_assistant_version_not_correct": "Du benutzt die Home Assistant-Version '{haversion}', für dieses Repository muss jedoch die Mindestversion '{minversion}' installiert sein.",
"no": "Nein",
"no_upgrades": "Keine Upgrades ausstehend",
"ok": "OK",
"overwrite": "Dadurch wird die Datei überschrieben.",
"reload_data": "Hierdurch werden die Daten aller Repositories die HACS kennt neu geladen. Dies wird einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du Home Assistant neu starten möchtest?",
"uninstall": "Möchtest du '{item}' wirklich deinstallieren?",
"upgrade_all": "Hierdurch werden all diese Repositories aktualisiert. Stelle sicher, dass du die Versionshinweise vorher gelesen hast.",
"yes": "Ja"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon App-Entdeckung & Nachverfolgung aktivieren",
"country": "Nach Ländercode filtern.",
"debug": "Debug aktivieren.",
"experimental": "Experimentelle Funktionen aktivieren",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon App-Entdeckung & Nachverfolgung aktivieren",
"not_in_use": "Nicht in Verwendung mit YAML",
"release_limit": "Anzahl anzuzeigender Releases.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Sidepanel Symbol",
"sidepanel_title": "Sidepanel Titel"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "Diese Integration unterstützt config_flow. Das bedeutet, dass du jetzt in den Integrationsbereich deiner Benutzeroberfläche wechseln kannst, um es zu konfigurieren.",
"config_flow_title": "UI-Konfiguration unterstützt",
"integration_not_loaded": "Diese Integration ist in Home Assistant nicht geladen.",
"no_restart_required": "Kein Neustart erforderlich",
"not_loaded": "Nicht geladen",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Dieses Plugin wurde deinen Lovelace-Ressourcen nicht hinzugefügt.",
"restart": "Du musst Home Assistant neu starten.",
"restart_pending": "Neustart ausstehend"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Zu Lovelace hinzufügen",
"authors": "Autoren",
"available": "Verfügbar",
"back_to": "Zurück zu",
"changelog": "Änderungsprotokoll",
"downloads": "Downloads",
"flag_this": "Melden",
"frontend_version": "Frontend Version",
"github_stars": "GitHub Sterne",
"goto_integrations": "Gehe zu Integrationen",
"hide": "Verstecken",
"hide_beta": "Beta verstecken",
"install": "Installieren",
"installed": "Installiert",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Beispiel in die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"lovelace_instruction": "Zum Hinzufügen zu deinen Lovelace-Einstellungen, benutze Folgendes",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Konnte die Art dieses Plugins nicht erkennen. Prüfe das Repository.",
"newest": "neueste",
"note_appdaemon": "du musst es dann noch in die Datei 'apps.yaml' hinzufügen",
"note_installed": "Wird installiert nach",
"note_integration": "du musst es dann noch in die Datei 'configuration.yaml' hinzufügen",
"note_plugin": "du musst es dann noch in deine Lovelace-Einstellungen ('ui-lovelace.yaml' oder im Raw-Konfigurationseditor) hinzufügen",
"note_plugin_post_107": "Du musst es noch zu deiner Lovelace-Konfiguration hinzufügen ('configuration.yaml' oder der Ressourceneditor '\/config\/lovelace\/resources')",
"open_issue": "Problem melden",
"open_plugin": "Plugin öffnen",
"reinstall": "Neu installieren",
"repository": "Repository",
"restart_home_assistant": "Home Assistant neu starten",
"show_beta": "Beta anzeigen",
"uninstall": "Deinstallieren",
"update_information": "Aktualisierungsinformationen",
"upgrade": "Aktualisieren"
"settings": {
"adding_new_repo": "Hinzufügen eines neuen Repository '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "Mit der Kategorie '{category}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "Custom Repositorys werden ausgeblendet, während Hintergrundaufgaben ausgeführt werden.",
"category": "Kategorie",
"compact_mode": "Kompakter Modus",
"delete": "Löschen",
"display": "Anzeige",
"grid": "Gitter",
"hacs_repo": "HACS repo",
"hidden_repositories": "versteckte Repositories",
"missing_category": "Du musst eine Kategorie auswählen.",
"open_repository": "Repository öffnen",
"reload_data": "Daten neu laden",
"reload_window": "Fenster neu laden",
"repository_configuration": "Repository Konfiguration",
"save": "Speichern",
"table": "Tabelle",
"table_view": "Tabellenansicht",
"unhide": "einblenden",
"upgrade_all": "Alles aktualisieren"
"store": {
"ascending": "Aufsteigend",
"clear_new": "Alle neuen Repositories als gesehen markieren",
"descending": "Absteigend",
"last_updated": "Zuletzt aktualisiert",
"name": "Name",
"new_repositories": "Neue Repositories",
"pending_upgrades": "Ausstehende Upgrades",
"placeholder_search": "Suchbegriff eingeben…",
"sort": "Sortieren",
"stars": "Sterne",
"status": "Status"
"time": {
"ago": "vor",
"day": "Tag",
"days": "Tage",
"hour": "Stunde",
"hours": "Stunden",
"minute": "Minute",
"minutes": "Minuten",
"month": "Monat",
"months": "Monate",
"one": "Eins",
"one_day_ago": "vor einem Tag",
"one_hour_ago": "vor einer Stunde",
"one_minute_ago": "vor einer Minute",
"one_month_ago": "vor einem Monat",
"one_second_ago": "vor einer Sekunde",
"one_year_ago": "vor einem Jahr",
"second": "Sekunde",
"seconds": "Sekunden",
"x_days_ago": "vor {x} Tagen",
"x_hours_ago": "vor {x} Stunden",
"x_minutes_ago": "vor {x} Minuten",
"x_months_ago": "vor {x} Monaten",
"x_seconds_ago": "vor {x} Sekunden",
"x_years_ago": "vor {x} Jahren",
"year": "Jahr",
"years": "Jahre"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
"common": {
"about": "Σχετικά με",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "AppDaemon Apps",
"background_task": "Τρέχει μια διεργασία στο παρασκήνιο, η σελίδα θα ανανεωθεί μόλις αυτό ολοκληρωθεί.",
"check_log_file": "Ελέγξτε το αρχείο καταγραφής για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες.",
"continue": "Να συνεχίσει",
"disabled": "Απενεργοποιημένο",
"documentation": "Τεκμηρίωση",
"hacs_is_disabled": "Το HACS είναι απενεργοποιημένο",
"installed": "εγκατεστημένο",
"integration": "Ενσωμάτωση",
"integrations": "Ενσωματωμένα",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "NetDaemon Apps",
"plugin": "Πρόσθετο",
"plugins": "Πρόσθετα",
"python_script": "Πρόγραμμα Python",
"python_scripts": "Προγράμματα Python",
"repositories": "Αποθετήρια",
"settings": "ρυθμίσεις",
"theme": "Θέμα",
"themes": "Θέματα",
"version": "Έκδοση"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Μονάχα μία ρύθμιση των παραμέτρων του HACS επιτρέπεται."
"error": {
"auth": "Το διακριτικό πρόσβασης δεν είναι σωστό."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Ενεργοποίηση εύρεσης & παρακολούθησης για το AppDaemon",
"netdaemon": "Ενεργοποίηση εύρεσης & παρακολούθησης για το NetDaemon",
"python_script": "Ενεργοποίηση εύρεσης & παρακολούθησης για τα python_scripts",
"sidepanel_icon": "Εικονίδιο πλαϊνού πάνελ",
"sidepanel_title": "Τίτλος πλαϊνού πάνελ",
"theme": "Ενεργοποίηση εύρεσης & παρακολούθησης για τα θεμάτων",
"token": "Διακριτικό πρόσβασης του GitHub"
"description": "Εάν χρειαστείτε βοήθεια με τις ρυθμίσεις ανατρέξτε εδώ: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να προσθέσετε αυτό στους πόρους του Lovelace;",
"bg_task": "Η ενέργεια είναι απενεργοποιημένη όσο εκτελούνται εργασίες στο παρασκήνιο",
"cancel": "Ακύρωση",
"continue": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να συνεχίσετε;",
"delete": "Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε το '{item}';",
"delete_installed": "Το '{item}' είναι εγκατεστημένο, πρέπει να το απεγκαταστήσετε πριν να το διαγράψετε.",
"exist": "{item} υπάρχει ήδη",
"generic": "Είστε βέβαιοι;",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Περιμένετε, το Home Assistant επανεκκινείται τώρα.",
"no": "Οχι",
"no_upgrades": "Δεν υπάρχουν αναβαθμίσεις σε εκκρεμότητα",
"ok": "Εντάξει",
"overwrite": "Αυτό θα το αντικαταστήσει.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να κάνετε επανεκκίνηση του Home Assistant;",
"uninstall": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να απεγκαταστήσετε το '{item}';",
"upgrade_all": "Αυτό θα αναβαθμίσει όλα αυτά τα αποθετήρια, βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε διαβάσει τις σημειώσεις έκδοσης για όλα πριν προχωρήσετε.",
"yes": "Ναι"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Ενεργοποίηση εύρεσης & παρακολούθησης για το AppDaemon",
"country": "Κριτήριο με βάση τον κωδικό χώρας.",
"debug": "Ενεργοποίηση εντοπισμού σφαλμάτων.",
"experimental": "Ενεργοποίση πειραματικών λειτουργιών",
"netdaemon": "Ενεργοποίηση εύρεσης & παρακολούθησης για το NetDaemon",
"release_limit": "Αριθμός εκδόσεων που να παραθέτονται.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Εικονίδιο πλαϊνού πάνελ",
"sidepanel_title": "Τίτλος πλαϊνού πάνελ"
"repository_banner": {
"integration_not_loaded": "Αυτή η ενσωμάτωση δεν φορτώθηκε στο Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "Δεν απαιτείται επανεκκίνηση",
"not_loaded": "Δεν έχει φορτωθεί",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Αυτό το πρόσθετο δεν προστέθηκε στους πόρους του Lovelace.",
"restart": "Πρέπει να κάνετε επανεκκίνηση του Home Assistant.",
"restart_pending": "Επανεκκίνηση σε εκκρεμότητα"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Προσθήκη στο Lovelace",
"authors": "Συγγραφείς",
"available": "Διαθέσιμο",
"back_to": "Πίσω στο",
"changelog": "Σημειώσεις των αλλαγών",
"downloads": "Λήψεις",
"flag_this": "Σημείωσε αυτό",
"frontend_version": "Έκδοση Frontend",
"hide": "Απόκρυψη",
"hide_beta": "Απόκριση του beta",
"install": "Εγκατάσταση",
"installed": "Εγκατεστημένο",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Αντίγραψε το παράδειγμα στο πρόχειρο",
"lovelace_instruction": "Όταν το προσθέσετε στις ρυθμίσεις του lovelace χρησιμοποιήστε τούτο",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Δεν καταφέραμε να προσδιορίσουμε τον τύπο αυτού του προσθέτου, ελέξτε το αποθετήριο.",
"newest": "νεότερο",
"note_appdaemon": "εξακολουθεί να χρειάζεται να το προσθέσετε στο αρχείο 'apps.yaml'",
"note_installed": "Όταν εγκατασταθεί, θα προστεθεί στο",
"note_integration": "εξακολουθεί να χρειάζεται να το προσθέσετε στο αρχείο 'configuration.yaml'",
"note_plugin": "εξακολουθεί να χρειάζετε να το προσθέσετε στις ρυθμίσεις του lovelace ('ui-lovelace.yaml' ή μέσω του γραφικού επεξεργαστή των ρυθμίσεων)",
"open_issue": "Εκκρεμόν ζήτημα",
"open_plugin": "Ανοιχτό πρόσθετο",
"reinstall": "Επανεγκατάσταση",
"repository": "Αποθετήριο",
"restart_home_assistant": "Επανεκκίνηση του Home Assistant",
"show_beta": "Εμφάνιση του beta",
"uninstall": "Απεγκατάσταση",
"update_information": "Ενημέρωση πληροφοριών",
"upgrade": "Ενημέρωση"
"settings": {
"add_custom_repository": "ΠΡΟΣΘΕΣΤΕ ΕΝΑ ΕΙΔΙΚΟ ΑΠΟΘΕΤΗΡΙΟ",
"adding_new_repo_category": "Με κατηγορία '{category}'.",
"category": "Κατηγορία",
"compact_mode": "Συμπαγής λειτουργία",
"custom_repositories": "ΕΙΔΙΚΑ ΑΠΟΘΕΤΗΡΙΑ",
"delete": "Διαγραφή",
"display": "Εμφάνιση",
"grid": "Πλέγμα",
"hacs_repo": "Αποθετήριο του HACS",
"hidden_repositories": "κρυφά αποθετήρια",
"missing_category": "Πρέπει να επιλέξετε μια κατηγορία",
"open_repository": "Ανοίξτε το αποθετήριο",
"reload_data": "Επαναφόρτωση δεδομένων",
"reload_window": "Επαναφόρτωση του παραθύρου",
"save": "Αποθήκευση",
"table": "Πίνακας",
"table_view": "Προβολή πίνακα",
"upgrade_all": "Αναβάθμιση όλων"
"store": {
"ascending": "αύξουσα",
"clear_new": "Απαλοιφή όλων των νέων αποθετηρίων",
"descending": "φθίνουσα",
"last_updated": "Τελευταία ενημέρωση",
"name": "Ονομα",
"new_repositories": "Νέα αποθετήρια",
"pending_upgrades": "Εκκρεμείς αναβαθμίσεις",
"placeholder_search": "Παρακαλώ πληκτρολογήστε έναν όρο προς αναζήτηση...",
"sort": "είδος",
"stars": "Αστέρια",
"status": "Κατάσταση"
"time": {
"ago": "πριν",
"day": "ημέρα",
"days": "ημέρες",
"hour": "ώρα",
"hours": "ώρες",
"minute": "λεπτό",
"minutes": "λεπτά",
"month": "μήνας",
"months": "μήνες",
"one": "Ένα",
"one_day_ago": "πριν από μία ημέρα",
"one_hour_ago": "πριν από μια ώρα",
"one_minute_ago": "πριν από ένα λεπτό",
"one_month_ago": "πριν από ένα μήνα",
"one_second_ago": "πριν από ένα δευτερόλεπτο",
"one_year_ago": "πριν από ένα χρόνο",
"second": "δευτερόλεπτο",
"seconds": "δευτερόλεπτα",
"x_days_ago": "{x} ημέρες πριν",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} ώρες πριν",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} λεπτά πριν",
"x_months_ago": "{x} μήνες πριν",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} δευτερόλεπτα πριν",
"x_years_ago": "{x} χρόνια πριν",
"year": "έτος",
"years": "χρόνια"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,30 @@
"common": {
"about": "About",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "AppDaemon Apps",
"background_task": "Background task running, this page will reload when it's done.",
"check_log_file": "Check your log file for more details.",
"continue": "Continue",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS is disabled",
"installed": "installed",
"integration": "Integration",
"integrations": "Integrations",
"manage": "manage",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "NetDaemon Apps",
"plugin": "Plugin",
"plugins": "Plugins",
"python_script": "Python Script",
"python_scripts": "Python Scripts",
"repositories": "Repositories",
"settings": "settings",
"theme": "Theme",
"themes": "Themes",
"version": "Version"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Only a single configuration of HACS is allowed."
@ -9,31 +35,165 @@
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"token": "GitHub Personal Access Token",
"appdaemon": "Enable AppDaemon apps discovery & tracking",
"netdaemon": "Enable NetDaemon apps discovery & tracking",
"python_script": "Enable python_scripts discovery & tracking",
"sidepanel_icon": "Side panel icon",
"sidepanel_title": "Side panel title"
"sidepanel_title": "Side panel title",
"theme": "Enable Themes discovery & tracking",
"token": "GitHub Personal Access Token"
"description": "If you need help with the configuration have a look here: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"description": "If you need help with the configuration have a look here: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start\/",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Are you sure you want to add this to your Lovelace resources?",
"bg_task": "Action is disabled while background tasks is running.",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"continue": "Are you sure you want to continue?",
"delete": "Are you sure you want to delete \"{item}\"?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' is installed, you need to uninstall it before you can delete it.",
"exist": "{item} already exists",
"generic": "Are you sure?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Hold on, Home Assistant is now restarting.",
"home_assistant_version_not_correct": "You are running Home Assistant version '{haversion}', but this repository requires minimum version '{minversion}' to be installed.",
"no": "No",
"no_upgrades": "No upgrades pending",
"ok": "OK",
"overwrite": "Doing this will overwrite it.",
"reload_data": "This reloads the data of all repositories HACS knows about, this will take some time to finish.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Are you sure you want to restart Home Assistant?",
"uninstall": "Are you sure you want to uninstall \"{item}\"?",
"upgrade_all": "This will upgrade all of these repositories, make sure that you have read the release notes for all of them before proceeding.",
"yes": "Yes"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"not_in_use": "Not in use with YAML",
"country": "Filter with country code.",
"experimental": "Enable experimental features",
"release_limit": "Number of releases to show.",
"debug": "Enable debug.",
"appdaemon": "Enable AppDaemon apps discovery & tracking",
"country": "Filter with country code.",
"debug": "Enable debug.",
"experimental": "Enable experimental features",
"netdaemon": "Enable NetDaemon apps discovery & tracking",
"not_in_use": "Not in use with YAML",
"release_limit": "Number of releases to show.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Side panel icon",
"sidepanel_title": "Side panel title"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "This integration supports config_flow, that means that you now can go to the integration section of your UI to configure it.",
"config_flow_title": "UI Configuration supported",
"integration_not_loaded": "This integration is not loaded in Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "No restart required",
"not_loaded": "Not loaded",
"plugin_not_loaded": "This plugin is not added to your Lovelace resources.",
"restart": "You need to restart Home Assistant.",
"restart_pending": "Restart pending"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Add to Lovelace",
"authors": "Authors",
"available": "Available",
"back_to": "Back to",
"changelog": "Change log",
"downloads": "Downloads",
"flag_this": "Flag this",
"frontend_version": "Frontend version",
"github_stars": "GitHub stars",
"goto_integrations": "Go to integrations",
"hide": "Hide",
"hide_beta": "Hide beta",
"install": "Install",
"installed": "Installed",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Copy the example to your clipboard",
"lovelace_instruction": "When you add this to your lovelace configuration use this",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Could not determine the type of this plugin, check the repository.",
"newest": "newest",
"note_appdaemon": "you still need to add it to your 'apps.yaml' file",
"note_installed": "When installed, this will be located in",
"note_integration": "you still need to add it to your 'configuration.yaml' file",
"note_plugin": "you still need to add it to your lovelace configuration ('ui-lovelace.yaml' or the raw UI config editor)",
"note_plugin_post_107": "you still need to add it to your lovelace configuration ('configuration.yaml' or the resource editor '\/config\/lovelace\/resources')",
"open_issue": "Open issue",
"open_plugin": "Open plugin",
"reinstall": "Reinstall",
"repository": "Repository",
"restart_home_assistant": "Restart Home Assistant",
"show_beta": "Show beta",
"uninstall": "Uninstall",
"update_information": "Update information",
"upgrade": "Update"
"settings": {
"add_custom_repository": "ADD CUSTOM REPOSITORY",
"adding_new_repo": "Adding new repository '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "With category '{category}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "Custom repositories are hidden while background tasks is running.",
"category": "Category",
"compact_mode": "Compact mode",
"custom_repositories": "CUSTOM REPOSITORIES",
"delete": "Delete",
"display": "Display",
"grid": "Grid",
"hacs_repo": "HACS repo",
"hidden_repositories": "hidden repositories",
"missing_category": "You need to select a category",
"open_repository": "Open repository",
"reload_data": "Reload data",
"reload_window": "Reload window",
"repository_configuration": "Repository configuration",
"save": "Save",
"table": "Table",
"table_view": "Table view",
"unhide": "unhide",
"upgrade_all": "Upgrade all"
"store": {
"ascending": "ascending",
"clear_new": "Clear all new repositories",
"descending": "descending",
"last_updated": "Last updated",
"name": "Name",
"new_repositories": "New Repositories",
"pending_upgrades": "Pending upgrades",
"placeholder_search": "Please enter a search term...",
"sort": "sort",
"stars": "Stars",
"status": "Status"
"time": {
"ago": "ago",
"day": "day",
"days": "days",
"hour": "hour",
"hours": "hours",
"minute": "minute",
"minutes": "minutes",
"month": "month",
"months": "months",
"one": "One",
"one_day_ago": "one day ago",
"one_hour_ago": "one hour ago",
"one_minute_ago": "one minute ago",
"one_month_ago": "one month ago",
"one_second_ago": "one second ago",
"one_year_ago": "one year ago",
"second": "second",
"seconds": "seconds",
"x_days_ago": "{x} days ago",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} hours ago",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} minutes ago",
"x_months_ago": "{x} months ago",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} seconds ago",
"x_years_ago": "{x} years ago",
"year": "year",
"years": "years"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
"common": {
"about": "Acerca de",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "AppDaemon Apps",
"background_task": "Ejecutando tareas en segundo plano. Se refrescará automaticamente esta página al finalizar.",
"check_log_file": "Compruebe el archivo de registro para obtener más detalles.",
"continue": "Continuar",
"disabled": "Deshabilitado",
"documentation": "Documentación",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS está deshabilitado",
"installed": "instalado",
"integration": "Integración",
"integrations": "Integraciones",
"manage": "Administrar",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "NetDaemon Apps",
"plugin": "Plugin",
"plugins": "Plugins",
"python_script": "Python Script",
"python_scripts": "Python Scripts",
"repositories": "Repositorios",
"settings": "configuraciones",
"theme": "Tema",
"themes": "Temas",
"version": "Versión"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Sólo se permite una única configuración de HACS."
"error": {
"auth": "El token de acceso personal no es correcto."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Habilitar el descubrimiento y seguimiento de las aplicaciones de AppDaemon",
"netdaemon": "Habilitar el descubrimiento y seguimiento de las aplicaciones de NetDaemon",
"python_script": "Habilitar el descubrimiento y seguimiento en python_scripts",
"sidepanel_icon": "Ícono del panel lateral",
"sidepanel_title": "Título del panel lateral",
"theme": "Habilitar el descubrimiento y seguimiento de temas",
"token": "Token de acceso personal de GitHub"
"description": "Si necesitas ayuda con la configuración, visita la siguiente pagina: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "¿Está seguro de que desea agregar esto a sus recursos de Lovelace?",
"bg_task": "La acción está deshabilitada mientras se ejecutan tareas en segundo plano.",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"continue": "Estás seguro de que quieres continuar?",
"delete": "¿Seguro que quieres eliminar '{item}'?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' está instalado, debe desinstalarlo antes de poder eliminarlo.",
"exist": "{item} ya existe",
"generic": "¿Estás seguro?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Espera, Home Assistant se está reiniciando.",
"home_assistant_version_not_correct": "Está ejecutando la versión '{haversion}' de Home Assistant, pero este repositorio requiere la instalación de la versión '{minversion}' mínima.",
"no": "No",
"no_upgrades": "No hay actualizaciones pendientes",
"ok": "OK",
"overwrite": "Si lo hace, se sobrescribirá.",
"reload_data": "Esto recarga los datos de todos los repositorios que HACS conoce, esto tardará algún tiempo en finalizar.",
"restart_home_assistant": "¿Está seguro de que desea reiniciar Home Assistant?",
"uninstall": "¿Está seguro de que desea desinstalar '{item}'?",
"upgrade_all": "Esto actualizará todos estos repositorios, asegúrese de que ha leído las notas de la versión de todos ellos antes de continuar.",
"yes": "Si"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Habilitar el descubrimiento y seguimiento de las aplicaciones de AppDaemon",
"country": "Filtrar por el código de país.",
"debug": "Habilitar depuración.",
"experimental": "Habilitar funciones experimentales",
"netdaemon": "Habilitar el descubrimiento y seguimiento de las aplicaciones de NetDaemon",
"not_in_use": "No usarse con YAML",
"release_limit": "Número de versiones a mostrar.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Icono del panel lateral",
"sidepanel_title": "Título del panel lateral"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "Esta integración soporta config_flow, lo que significa que ahora puede ir a la sección de integración de su UI para configurarlo.",
"config_flow_title": "Configuración de UI soportada",
"integration_not_loaded": "Esta integración no se carga en Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "No es necesario reiniciar",
"not_loaded": "No está cargado",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Este plugin no se añade a sus recursos de Lovelace.",
"restart": "Es necesario reiniciar Home Assistant.",
"restart_pending": "Reinicio pendiente"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Añadir a Lovelace",
"authors": "Autores",
"available": "Disponible",
"back_to": "Volver a",
"changelog": "Registro de cambios",
"downloads": "Descargas",
"flag_this": "Marcar esto",
"frontend_version": "Versión del frontend",
"github_stars": "Estrellas de GitHub",
"goto_integrations": "Ir a integraciones",
"hide": "Ocultar",
"hide_beta": "Ocultar beta",
"install": "Instalar",
"installed": "Instalado",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Copiar el ejemplo al clipboard",
"lovelace_instruction": "Agregue lo siguiente en su configuración de lovelace",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "No se pudo determinar el tipo de plugin, revise el repositorio.",
"newest": "más nuevo",
"note_appdaemon": "deberá agregar esto a su archivo 'apps.yaml'",
"note_installed": "Al instalarse se encontrará en",
"note_integration": "deberá agregar esto a su archivo 'configuration.yaml'",
"note_plugin": "deberá agregar esto a su configuración de lovelace ('ui-lovelace.yaml' o en el editor UI de lovelace)",
"open_issue": "Abrir issue",
"open_plugin": "Abrir plugin",
"reinstall": "Reinstalar",
"repository": "Repositorio",
"restart_home_assistant": "Reiniciar Home Assistant",
"show_beta": "Mostrar beta",
"uninstall": "Desinstalar",
"update_information": "Actualizar información",
"upgrade": "Actualizar"
"settings": {
"adding_new_repo": "Añadiendo un nuevo repositorio '{repo}'.",
"adding_new_repo_category": "Con la categoría '{category}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "Los repositorios personalizados están ocultos mientras se ejecutan las tareas en segundo plano.",
"category": "Categoría",
"compact_mode": "Modo compacto",
"custom_repositories": "REPOSITORIOS PERSONALIZADOS",
"delete": "Eliminar",
"display": "Mostrar",
"grid": "Cuadrícula",
"hacs_repo": "HACS repo",
"hidden_repositories": "repositorios ocultos",
"missing_category": "Es necesario seleccionar una categoría",
"open_repository": "Abrir repositorio",
"reload_data": "Recargar datos",
"reload_window": "Recargar ventana",
"repository_configuration": "Configuración del repositorio",
"save": "Grabar",
"table": "Tabla",
"table_view": "Vista de la tabla",
"unhide": "mostrar",
"upgrade_all": "Actualizar todo"
"store": {
"ascending": "ascendente",
"clear_new": "Borrar todos los nuevos repositorios",
"descending": "descendente",
"last_updated": "Última actualización",
"name": "Nombre",
"new_repositories": "Nuevos Repositorios",
"pending_upgrades": "Actualizaciones pendientes",
"placeholder_search": "Por favor escriba una palabra clave de búsqueda...",
"sort": "ordenar",
"stars": "Estrellas",
"status": "Estado"
"time": {
"ago": "hace",
"day": "dia",
"days": "dias",
"hour": "hora",
"hours": "horas",
"minute": "minuto",
"minutes": "minutos",
"month": "mes",
"months": "meses",
"one": "Uno",
"one_day_ago": "hace un día",
"one_hour_ago": "hace una hora",
"one_minute_ago": "hace un minuto",
"one_month_ago": "hace un mes",
"one_second_ago": "hace un segundo",
"one_year_ago": "hace un año",
"second": "segundo",
"seconds": "segundos",
"x_days_ago": "hace {x} dias",
"x_hours_ago": "hace {x} horas",
"x_minutes_ago": "hace {x} minutos",
"x_months_ago": "hace {x} meses",
"x_seconds_ago": "hace {x} segundos",
"x_years_ago": "hace {x} años",
"year": "año",
"years": "años"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
"common": {
"about": "À propos de",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "Applications AppDaemon",
"background_task": "Tache de fond en cours, cette page se rechargera une fois terminée",
"check_log_file": "Consultez votre fichier journal pour plus de détails.",
"continue": "Continuer",
"disabled": "Désactivé",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS est désactivé",
"installed": "installés",
"integration": "Intégration",
"integrations": "Intégrations",
"manage": "gérer",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "Applications NetDaemon",
"plugin": "Plugin",
"plugins": "Plugins",
"python_script": "Script Python",
"python_scripts": "Scripts Python",
"repositories": "Dépôts",
"settings": "paramètres",
"theme": "Thème",
"themes": "Thèmes",
"version": "Version"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Une seule configuration de HACS est autorisée."
"error": {
"auth": "Le jeton personnel d'accès est invalide."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Activer la découverte et le suivi des applications AppDaemon",
"netdaemon": "Activer la découverte et le suivi des applications NetDaemon",
"python_script": "Activer la découverte et le suivi des scripts python",
"sidepanel_icon": "Icône de la barre latérale",
"sidepanel_title": "Titre de la barre latérale",
"theme": "Activer la découverte et le suivi des thèmes",
"token": "Jeton d'accès personnel GitHub"
"description": "Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour la configuration, jetez un œil ici: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir l'ajouter à vos ressources Lovelace ?",
"bg_task": "L'action est désactivée pendant l'exécution de tâches en arrière-plan.",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"continue": "Es-tu sur de vouloir continuer?",
"delete": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer '{item}'?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' est installé, vous devez le désinstaller avant de pouvoir le supprimer.",
"exist": "{item} existe déjà",
"generic": "Êtes-vous sûr?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Attendez, Home Assistant redémarre maintenant.",
"home_assistant_version_not_correct": "Vous utilisez la version '{haversion}' de Home Assistant, mais ce référentiel nécessite l'installation de la version minimale '{minversion}'.",
"no": "Non",
"no_upgrades": "Aucune mise à niveau en attente",
"ok": "OK",
"overwrite": "En faisant cela, cela l'écrasera.",
"reload_data": "Cela recharge les données de tous les dépôts dont HACS a connaissance, cela prendra un certain temps à terminer.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Voulez-vous vraiment redémarrer Home Assistant ?",
"uninstall": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir désinstaller '{item}'?",
"upgrade_all": "Cela mettra à niveau tous ces dépôts, assurez-vous d'avoir lu les notes de publication pour chacun d'entre eux avant de continuer.",
"yes": "Oui"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Activer la découverte et le suivi des applications AppDaemon",
"country": "Filtrer par code pays.",
"debug": "Activez le débogage.",
"experimental": "Activer les fonctionnalités expérimentales",
"netdaemon": "Activer la découverte et le suivi des applications NetDaemon",
"not_in_use": "Non utilisé avec YAML",
"release_limit": "Nombre de recensés à afficher.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Icône de la barre latérale",
"sidepanel_title": "Titre de la barre latérale"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "Cette intégration prend en charge config_flow, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez maintenant accéder à la section d'intégration de votre interface utilisateur pour le configurer.",
"config_flow_title": "Configuration de l'interface utilisateur prise en charge",
"integration_not_loaded": "Cette intégration n'est pas chargée dans Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "Aucun redémarrage requis",
"not_loaded": "Non chargé",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Ce plugin n'est pas ajouté à vos ressources Lovelace.",
"restart": "Vous devez redémarrer Home Assistant.",
"restart_pending": "Redémarrage en attente"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Ajouter à Lovelace",
"authors": "Auteurs",
"available": "Disponible",
"back_to": "Retour",
"changelog": "Change log",
"downloads": "Téléchargements",
"flag_this": "Marquer",
"frontend_version": "Version de l'interface",
"github_stars": "Étoiles GitHub",
"goto_integrations": "Aller aux intégrations",
"hide": "Masquer",
"hide_beta": "Masquer les bêta",
"install": "Installer",
"installed": "Installé",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Copier cet exemple dans le presse-papier",
"lovelace_instruction": "Quand vous l'ajoutez à votre configuration lovelace, utilisez",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Impossible de déterminer le type de plugin, veuillez vérifier le dépôt",
"newest": "nouveau",
"note_appdaemon": "vous devez toujours l'ajouter à votre fichier 'apps.yaml'",
"note_installed": "Une fois installé, il se trouvera dans",
"note_integration": "Vous devez toujours l'ajouter à votre fichier 'configuration.yaml'",
"note_plugin": "Vous devez toujours l'ajouter à votre configuration lovelace ('ui-lovelace.yaml' ou l'éditeur de configuration de l'interface)",
"open_issue": "Ouvrir un ticket",
"open_plugin": "Ouvrir le plugin",
"reinstall": "Réinstaller",
"repository": "Dépôt",
"restart_home_assistant": "Redémarrer Home Assistant",
"show_beta": "Afficher les bêta",
"uninstall": "Désinstaller",
"update_information": "Mettre à jour les informations",
"upgrade": "Mettre à jour"
"settings": {
"add_custom_repository": "AJOUTER UN DÉPÔT PERSONNALISÉ",
"adding_new_repo": "Ajout d'un nouveau dépôt '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "Avec la catégorie '{category}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "Les dépôts personnalisés sont masqués pendant l'exécution de tâches en arrière-plan.",
"category": "Catégorie",
"compact_mode": "Mode compact",
"custom_repositories": "DÉPÔTS PERSONNALISÉS",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"display": "Affichage",
"grid": "Grille",
"hacs_repo": "Dépôt HACS",
"hidden_repositories": "dépôts cachés",
"missing_category": "Vous devez sélectionner une catégorie",
"open_repository": "Ouvrir dépôt",
"reload_data": "Recharger les données",
"reload_window": "Recharger la fenêtre",
"repository_configuration": "Configuration de dépôt",
"save": "Enregistrer",
"table": "Tableau",
"table_view": "Vue table",
"unhide": "Afficher",
"upgrade_all": "Tout mettre à jour"
"store": {
"ascending": "ascendant",
"clear_new": "Effacer tous les nouveaux dépôts",
"descending": "descendant",
"last_updated": "Dernière mise à jour",
"name": "Nom",
"new_repositories": "Nouveaux dépôts",
"pending_upgrades": "Mises à niveau en attente",
"placeholder_search": "Veuillez entrer un terme de recherche...",
"sort": "Trier",
"stars": "Étoiles",
"status": "Statut"
"time": {
"ago": "il y a",
"day": "jour",
"days": "jours",
"hour": "heure",
"hours": "heures",
"minute": "minute",
"minutes": "minutes",
"month": "mois",
"months": "mois",
"one": "Un",
"one_day_ago": "il y a 1 jour",
"one_hour_ago": "il y a 1 heure",
"one_minute_ago": "il y a 1 minute",
"one_month_ago": "il y a 1 mois",
"one_second_ago": "il y a 1 seconde",
"one_year_ago": "il y a 1 an",
"second": "seconde",
"seconds": "secondes",
"x_days_ago": "il y a {x} jours",
"x_hours_ago": "il y a {x} heures",
"x_minutes_ago": "il y a {x} minutes",
"x_months_ago": "il y a {x} mois",
"x_seconds_ago": "il y a {x} secondes",
"x_years_ago": "il y a {x} ans",
"year": "an",
"years": "ans"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
"common": {
"about": "Névjegy",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "AppDaemon Appok",
"background_task": "Éppen háttérfeladat fut, ez az oldal frissülni fog, ha kész.",
"check_log_file": "További részletekért ellenőrizd a naplófájlt.",
"continue": "Folytatás",
"disabled": "Tiltva",
"documentation": "Dokumentáció",
"hacs_is_disabled": "A HACS le van tiltva",
"installed": "Telepített",
"integration": "Integráció",
"integrations": "Integrációk",
"manage": "kezelés",
"plugin": "Bővítmény",
"plugins": "Bővítmények",
"python_script": "Python Szkript",
"python_scripts": "Python Szkriptek",
"repositories": "Tárolók",
"settings": "beállítások",
"theme": "Téma",
"themes": "Témák",
"version": "Verzió"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Csak egyetlen HACS-konfiguráció megengedett."
"error": {
"auth": "A Személyes Hozzáférési Token nem megfelelő."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon appok felfedezésének és nyomon követésének engedélyezése",
"python_script": "Python szkriptek felfedezésének és nyomon követésének engedélyezése",
"sidepanel_icon": "Oldalsó panel ikon",
"sidepanel_title": "Oldalsó panel cím",
"theme": "Témák felfedezésének és nyomon követésének engedélyezése",
"token": "GitHub Személyes Hozzáférési Token"
"description": "Ha segítségre van szükséged a konfigurációval kapcsolatban, akkor tekintsd meg ezt az oldalt: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Biztosan hozzá szeretnéd ezt adni a Lovelace erőforrásokhoz?",
"bg_task": "A művelet le van tiltva, amíg háttérfeladat fut.",
"cancel": "Mégse",
"continue": "Biztosan folytatni szeretnéd?",
"delete": "Biztosan törölni szeretnéd a(z) '{item}'-t?",
"delete_installed": "A(z) '{item}' telepítve van, törlés előtt el kell távolítanod.",
"exist": "{item} már létezik",
"generic": "Biztos vagy benne?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Várj, a Home Assistant éppen újraindul.",
"home_assistant_version_not_correct": "A Home Assistant '{haversion}' verzióját használod, de ehhez a tárolóhoz legalább a(z) '{minversion}' verzióra van szükség.",
"no": "Nem",
"no_upgrades": "Nincs függőben lévő frissítés",
"ok": "OK",
"overwrite": "Ezzel felül fogod írni.",
"reload_data": "Ez újratölti a HACS által ismert összes tároló adatát, ami némi időbe telhet.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Biztosan újraindítod a Home Assistant programot?",
"uninstall": "Biztosan el szeretnéd távolítani a(z) '{item}'-t?",
"upgrade_all": "Ez frissíteni fogja az összes tárolót. Győzödj meg róla, hogy elolvastad az összes kiadási megjegyzést, mielőtt továbblépnél.",
"yes": "Igen"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon appok felfedezésének és nyomon követésének engedélyezése",
"country": "Szűrés országkóddal.",
"debug": "Hibakeresés engedélyezése.",
"experimental": "Kísérleti funkciók engedélyezése",
"not_in_use": "YAML-lel nem használható",
"release_limit": "Megjelenítendő kiadások száma.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Oldalsó panel ikon",
"sidepanel_title": "Oldalsó panel cím"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "Ez az integráció támogatja a config_flow-t, vagyis a felhasználói felületen az integrációk menüben lehet konfigurálni.",
"config_flow_title": "A felhasználói felület konfigurációja támogatott",
"integration_not_loaded": "Ez az integráció nincs betöltve a Home Assistantban.",
"no_restart_required": "Nincs szükség újraindításra",
"not_loaded": "Nincs betöltve",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Ez a bővítmény nincs hozzáadva a Lovelace erőforrásokhoz.",
"restart": "Indítsd újra a Home Assistant programot.",
"restart_pending": "Újraindítás függőben"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Hozzáadás a Lovelace-hez",
"authors": "Szerzők",
"available": "Elérhető",
"back_to": "Vissza -",
"changelog": "Változási napló",
"downloads": "Letöltések",
"flag_this": "Megjelölés",
"frontend_version": "Frontend verzió",
"github_stars": "GitHub csillagok",
"goto_integrations": "Ugrás az integrációkhoz",
"hide": "Elrejtés",
"hide_beta": "Béta elrejtése",
"install": "Telepítés",
"installed": "Telepített",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Példa másolása a vágólapra",
"lovelace_instruction": "Amikor hozzáadod ezt a lovelace konfigurációdhoz, használd ezt",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Nem sikerült meghatározni a beépülő modul típusát, ellenőrizd a tárolót.",
"newest": "legújabb",
"note_appdaemon": "de még hozzá kell adnod az 'apps.yaml' fájlhoz",
"note_installed": "Telepítéskor a következő helyre kerül:",
"note_integration": "de még hozzá kell adnod a 'configuration.yaml' fájlhoz",
"note_plugin": "de még hozzá kell adnod a lovelace konfigurációhoz (az 'ui-lovelace.yaml' fájlban vagy a Lovelace felületen a konfiguráció szerkesztőben)",
"open_issue": "Probléma jelentése",
"open_plugin": "Bővítmény megnyitása",
"reinstall": "Újratelepítés",
"repository": "Tároló",
"restart_home_assistant": "Home Assistant újraindítása",
"show_beta": "Béta megjelenítése",
"uninstall": "Eltávolítás",
"update_information": "Frissítési információk",
"upgrade": "Frissítés"
"settings": {
"add_custom_repository": "EGYÉNI TÁROLÓ HOZZÁADÁSA",
"adding_new_repo": "Új tároló hozzáadása '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "A '{category}' kategóriával.",
"bg_task_custom": "Az egyéni tárolók rejtve vannak, amíg háttérfeladat fut.",
"category": "Kategória",
"compact_mode": "Kompakt mód",
"custom_repositories": "EGYÉNI TÁROLÓK",
"delete": "Törlés",
"display": "Megjelenítés",
"grid": "Rács",
"hacs_repo": "HACS tároló",
"hidden_repositories": "rejtett tárolók",
"missing_category": "Ki kell választanod egy kategóriát",
"open_repository": "Tároló megnyitása",
"reload_data": "Adatok újratöltése",
"reload_window": "Ablak újratöltése",
"repository_configuration": "Tároló konfiguráció",
"save": "Mentés",
"table": "Táblázat",
"table_view": "Táblázat nézet",
"unhide": "felfedés",
"upgrade_all": "Minden frissítése"
"store": {
"ascending": "növekvő",
"clear_new": "Új tárolók megjelölése látottként",
"descending": "csökkenő",
"last_updated": "Utolsó frissítés",
"name": "Név",
"new_repositories": "Új tárolók",
"pending_upgrades": "Függőben lévő frissítések",
"placeholder_search": "Kérlek adj meg egy keresési kifejezést...",
"sort": "rendezés",
"stars": "Csillag",
"status": "Állapot"
"time": {
"ago": "ezelőtt",
"day": "nap",
"days": "nap",
"hour": "óra",
"hours": "óra",
"minute": "perc",
"minutes": "perc",
"month": "hónap",
"months": "hónap",
"one": "Egy",
"one_day_ago": "egy nappal ezelőtt",
"one_hour_ago": "egy órával ezelőtt",
"one_minute_ago": "egy perccel ezelőtt",
"one_month_ago": "egy hónappal ezelőtt",
"one_second_ago": "egy másodperccel ezelőtt",
"one_year_ago": "egy évvel ezelőtt",
"second": "másodperc",
"seconds": "másodperc",
"x_days_ago": "{x} nappal ezelőtt",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} órával ezelőtt",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} perccel ezelőtt",
"x_months_ago": "{x} hónappal ezelőtt",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} másodperccel ezelőtt",
"x_years_ago": "{x} évvel ezelőtt",
"year": "év",
"years": "év"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
"common": {
"about": "Informazioni su",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "Applicazioni AppDaemon",
"background_task": "Attività in esecuzione, questa pagina sarà ricaricata al termine.",
"check_log_file": "Controlla il tuo file di registro per maggiori dettagli.",
"continue": "Continua",
"disabled": "Disabilitato",
"documentation": "Documentazione",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS è disabilitato",
"installed": "Installati",
"integration": "Integrazione",
"integrations": "Integrazioni",
"manage": "gestione",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "Applicazioni NetDaemon",
"plugin": "Plugin",
"plugins": "Plugin",
"python_script": "Script python",
"python_scripts": "Script python",
"repositories": "Repository",
"settings": "Impostazioni",
"theme": "Tema",
"themes": "Temi",
"version": "Versione"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "È consentita una sola configurazione di HACS."
"error": {
"auth": "Il token di accesso personale non è corretto."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Abilita il rilevamento e il monitoraggio delle applicazioni AppDaemon",
"netdaemon": "Abilita il rilevamento e il monitoraggio delle applicazioni NetDaemon",
"python_script": "Abilita il rilevamento e il monitoraggio dei python_scripts",
"sidepanel_icon": "Icona nel pannello laterale",
"sidepanel_title": "Titolo nel pannello laterale",
"theme": "Abilita individuazione e tracciamento dei temi",
"token": "Token di accesso personale GitHub"
"description": "Se hai bisogno di aiuto con la configurazione dai un'occhiata qui: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Sei sicuro di voler aggiungerlo alle tue risorse Lovelace?",
"bg_task": "L'azione è disabilitata mentre sono in esecuzione attività in background.",
"cancel": "Annulla",
"continue": "Sei sicuro di voler continuare?",
"delete": "Sei sicuro di voler disinstallare '{item}'?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' è installato, è necessario disinstallarlo prima di poterlo eliminare.",
"exist": "{item} esiste già",
"generic": "Sei sicuro?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Aspetta, Home Assistant si sta riavviando.",
"home_assistant_version_not_correct": "Stai eseguendo la versione Home Assistant '{haversion}', ma questo repository richiede l'installazione della versione minima '{minversion}'.",
"no": "No",
"no_upgrades": "Nessun aggiornamento in sospeso",
"ok": "OK",
"overwrite": "In questo modo lo sovrascriverà.",
"reload_data": "Questo ricarica i dati di tutte le repository di cui HACS è a conoscenza, ci vorrà del tempo per finire.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Sei sicuro di voler riavviare Home Assistant?",
"uninstall": "Sei sicuro di voler disinstallare '{item}'?",
"upgrade_all": "Questa azione aggiornerà tutti i repository, assicurati di aver letto le note di rilascio prima di procedere.",
"yes": "Sì"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Abilita il rilevamento e il monitoraggio delle applicazioni AppDaemon",
"country": "Filtra con prefisso internazionale.",
"debug": "Abilita debug.",
"experimental": "Abilita funzionalità sperimentali",
"netdaemon": "Abilita il rilevamento e il monitoraggio delle applicazioni NetDaemon",
"not_in_use": "Non in uso con YAML",
"release_limit": "Numero di versioni da mostrare.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Icona nel pannello laterale",
"sidepanel_title": "Titolo nel pannello laterale"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "Questa integrazione supporta config_flow, questo significa che è ora possibile passare alla sezione \"IntegrazionI\" dell'interfaccia utente per la configurazione.",
"config_flow_title": "Configurazione dell'interfaccia utente supportata",
"integration_not_loaded": "Questa integrazione non è caricata in Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "Non è necessario riavviare",
"not_loaded": "Non caricato",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Questo plugin non è stato aggiunto alle risorse di Lovelace.",
"restart": "È necessario riavviare Home Assistant.",
"restart_pending": "Riavvio in attesa"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Aggiungi a Lovelace",
"authors": "Autori",
"available": "Disponibile",
"back_to": "Torna a",
"changelog": "Change log",
"downloads": "Downloads",
"flag_this": "Spunta questo",
"frontend_version": "Frontend versione",
"github_stars": "GitHub stelle",
"goto_integrations": "Vai alle Integrazioni",
"hide": "Nascondi",
"hide_beta": "Nascondi beta",
"install": "Installa",
"installed": "Installato",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Copia l'esempio negli appunti",
"lovelace_instruction": "Quando lo aggiungi nella configurazione di lovelace, usa questo",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Impossibile determinare il tipo di plugin, verificare il repository.",
"newest": "Più recente",
"note_appdaemon": "dovrai aggiungerlo nel file 'apps.yaml'",
"note_installed": "Una volta installato, si troverà in",
"note_integration": "dovrai aggiungerlo nel file 'configuration.yaml'",
"note_plugin": "devi aggiungere la configurazione nel file 'ui-lovelace.yaml' oppure via Editor RAW della UI.",
"open_issue": "Segnala anomalia",
"open_plugin": "Apri plugin",
"reinstall": "Reinstalla",
"repository": "Archivio Software (Repository)",
"restart_home_assistant": "Riavvia Home Assistant",
"show_beta": "Visualizza beta",
"uninstall": "Rimuovi",
"update_information": "Aggiorna informazioni",
"upgrade": "Aggiorna"
"settings": {
"adding_new_repo": "Aggiunta di un nuovo repository '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "Con la categoria '{category}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "I repository personalizzati sono nascosti mentre sono in esecuzione attività in background.",
"category": "Categoria",
"compact_mode": "Modalità compatta",
"custom_repositories": "REPOSITORY PERSONALIZZATE",
"delete": "Cancella",
"display": "Visualizza",
"grid": "Griglia",
"hacs_repo": "HACS repo",
"hidden_repositories": "repository nascosti",
"missing_category": "Devi selezionare una categoria",
"open_repository": "Apri il repository",
"reload_data": "Ricarica i dati",
"reload_window": "Ricarica la finestra",
"repository_configuration": "Configurazione del repository",
"save": "Salva",
"table": "Tabella",
"table_view": "Vista tabella",
"unhide": "Mostra",
"upgrade_all": "Aggiorna tutto"
"store": {
"ascending": "ascendente",
"clear_new": "Ripulisci i nuovi repository",
"descending": "discendente",
"last_updated": "Ultimo aggiornamento",
"name": "Nome",
"new_repositories": "Nuovi repository",
"pending_upgrades": "Aggiornamenti in sospeso",
"placeholder_search": "Inserire un termine di ricerca",
"sort": "Ordinare",
"stars": "Stelle",
"status": "Stato"
"time": {
"ago": "fa",
"day": "giorno",
"days": "giorni",
"hour": "ora",
"hours": "ore",
"minute": "minuto",
"minutes": "minuti",
"month": "mese",
"months": "mesi",
"one": "Un",
"one_day_ago": "un giorno fa",
"one_hour_ago": "un'ora fa",
"one_minute_ago": "un minuto fa",
"one_month_ago": "un mese fa",
"one_second_ago": "un secondo fa",
"one_year_ago": "un anno fa",
"second": "secondo",
"seconds": "secondi",
"x_days_ago": "{x} giorni fa",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} ore fa",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} minuti fa",
"x_months_ago": "{x} mesi fa",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} secondi fa",
"x_years_ago": "{x} anni fa",
"year": "anno",
"years": "anni"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
"common": {
"about": "Om",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "AppDaemon Apper",
"background_task": "Bakgrunnsoppgaven kjører. Denne siden lastes inn på nytt når den er ferdig.",
"check_log_file": "Sjekk loggfilen din for mer informasjon.",
"continue": "Fortsett",
"disabled": "Deaktivert",
"documentation": "dokumentasjon",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS er deaktivert",
"installed": "Installert",
"integration": "Integrasjon",
"integrations": "Integrasjoner",
"manage": "manage",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "NetDaemon Apper",
"plugin": "Plugin",
"plugins": "Plugins",
"python_script": "Python-skript",
"python_scripts": "Python-skript",
"repositories": "Repositories",
"settings": "Innstillinger",
"theme": "Tema",
"themes": "Temaer",
"version": "Versjon"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Bare en konfigurasjon av HACS er tillatt."
"error": {
"auth": "Personlig tilgangstoken er ikke korrekt."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Aktiver oppdagelse og sporing av AppDaemon-apper",
"netdaemon": "Aktiver oppdagelse og sporing av NetDaemon-apper",
"python_script": "Aktiver oppdagelse og sporing av python_scripts",
"sidepanel_icon": "Sidepanel ikon",
"sidepanel_title": "Sidepanel tittel",
"theme": "Aktiver oppdagelse og sporing av temaer",
"token": "GitHub Personal Access Token"
"description": "Hvis du trenger hjelp med konfigurasjonen, ta en titt her: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Er du sikker på at du vil legge dette til i dine Lovelace resources?",
"bg_task": "Handlingen er deaktivert mens bakgrunnsoppgaver kjører.",
"cancel": "Avbryt",
"continue": "Er du sikker på at du vil fortsette?",
"delete": "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne '{item}'?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' er installert, du må avinstallere det før du kan slette det.",
"exist": "{item} eksisterer allerede",
"generic": "Er du sikker?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Vent, Home Assistant starter nå på nytt.",
"home_assistant_version_not_correct": "Du kjører Home Assistant '{haversion}', men denne krever minimum versjon '{minversion}' for å bli installert.",
"no": "Nei",
"no_upgrades": "Ingen oppgraderinger tilgjengelig",
"ok": "OK",
"overwrite": "Å gjøre dette vil overskrive det.",
"reload_data": "Dette laster inn dataene til alle repositories HACS vet om, dette vil ta litt tid å fullføre.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Er du sikker på at du vil starte Home Assistant på nytt?",
"uninstall": "Er du sikker på at du vil avinstallere '{item}'?",
"upgrade_all": "Dette vil oppgradere alle disse repositorene, sørg for at du har lest utgivelses notatene for dem alle før du fortsetter.",
"yes": "Ja"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Aktiver oppdagelse og sporing av AppDaemon-apper",
"country": "Filtrer med landskode.",
"debug": "Aktiver debug",
"experimental": "Aktiver eksperimentelle funksjoner",
"netdaemon": "Aktiver oppdagelse og sporing av NetDaemon-apper",
"not_in_use": "Ikke i bruk med YAML",
"release_limit": "Antall utgivelser som skal vises.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Sidepanel ikon",
"sidepanel_title": "Sidepanel tittel"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "Denne integrasjonen støtter config_flow, det betyr at du nå kan gå til integrasjoner i brukergrensesnittet for å konfigurere den.",
"config_flow_title": "UI konfigurasjon støttet",
"integration_not_loaded": "Integrasjonen er ikke lastet inn i Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "Ingen omstart kreves",
"not_loaded": "Ikke lastet inn",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Denne pluginen er ikke lagt til i lovelace under \"resource\" delen av konfigurasjonen.",
"restart": "Du må restart Home Assistant",
"restart_pending": "Restart er nødvendig"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Legg til i Lovelace",
"authors": "Laget av",
"available": "Tilgjengelig",
"back_to": "Tilbake til",
"changelog": "Endringslogg",
"downloads": "Nedlastinger",
"flag_this": "Flag dette",
"frontend_version": "Frontend versjon",
"github_stars": "GitHub-stjerner",
"goto_integrations": "Gå til integrasjoner",
"hide": "Skjul",
"hide_beta": "Skjul beta",
"installed": "Installert",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Kopier eksemplet til utklippstavlen",
"lovelace_instruction": "Når du legger til dette i lovelace-konfigurasjonen din, bruk dette",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Kunne ikke bestemme typen for denne plugin, sjekk repository.",
"newest": "Nyeste",
"note_appdaemon": "du må fortsatt legge den til i 'apps.yaml' filen",
"note_installed": "Når det er installert, vil dette ligge i",
"note_integration": "du må fortsatt legge den til 'configuration.yaml' filen",
"note_plugin": "du må fortsatt legge den til i lovelace-konfigurasjonen ('ui-lovelace.yaml' eller den rå UI-konfigurasjonsredigereren)",
"open_issue": "Meld et problem",
"open_plugin": "Åpne plugin",
"reinstall": "Installer på nytt",
"repository": "Repository",
"restart_home_assistant": "Start Home Assistant på nytt",
"show_beta": "Vis beta",
"uninstall": "Avinstaller",
"update_information": "Oppdater informasjon",
"upgrade": "Oppdater"
"settings": {
"add_custom_repository": "LEGG TIL REPOSITORY",
"adding_new_repo": "Legger til ny repository '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "Med kategori '{category}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "Custom repositories er skjult mens bakgrunnsoppgaver kjører.",
"category": "Kategori",
"compact_mode": "Kompakt modus",
"custom_repositories": "TILPASSEDE REPOSITORIER",
"delete": "Slett",
"display": "Vise",
"grid": "Nett",
"hacs_repo": "HACS repo",
"hidden_repositories": "Gjemte repositories",
"missing_category": "Du må velge en kategori",
"open_repository": "Åpne repository",
"reload_data": "Last inn data på nytt",
"reload_window": "Last inn vinduet på nytt",
"repository_configuration": "Repository konfigurasjon",
"save": "Lagre",
"table": "Tabell",
"table_view": "Tabellvisning",
"unhide": "Vis igjen",
"upgrade_all": "Oppgradere alle"
"store": {
"ascending": "stigende",
"clear_new": "Tøm nye repositories",
"descending": "synkende",
"last_updated": "Sist oppdatert",
"name": "Navn",
"new_repositories": "Nye repositories",
"pending_upgrades": "Venter på oppgradering",
"placeholder_search": "Skriv inn et søkeord ...",
"sort": "sorter",
"stars": "Stjerner",
"status": "Status"
"time": {
"ago": "siden",
"day": "dag",
"days": "dager",
"hour": "time",
"hours": "timer",
"minute": "minutt",
"minutes": "minutter",
"month": "måned",
"months": "måneder",
"one": "En",
"one_day_ago": "for en dag siden",
"one_hour_ago": "en time siden",
"one_minute_ago": "ett minutt siden",
"one_month_ago": "en måned siden",
"one_second_ago": "ett sekund siden",
"one_year_ago": "ett år siden",
"second": "sekund",
"seconds": "sekunder",
"x_days_ago": "{x} dager siden",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} timer siden",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} minutter siden",
"x_months_ago": "{x} måneder siden",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} sekunder siden",
"x_years_ago": "{x} år siden",
"year": "år",
"years": "år"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
"common": {
"about": "Over",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "AppDaemon Apps",
"background_task": "Achtergrond taak is draaiende, de pagina herhaalt zichzelf wanneer dit klaar is.",
"check_log_file": "Controleer het logbestand voor meer details.",
"continue": "Doorgaan",
"disabled": "Uitgeschakeld",
"documentation": "Documentatie",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS is uitgeschakeld",
"installed": "geinstalleerd",
"integration": "Integratie",
"integrations": "Integraties",
"manage": "beheer",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "NetDaemon Apps",
"plugin": "Plugin",
"plugins": "Plugins",
"python_script": "Python Script",
"python_scripts": "Python Scripts",
"repositories": "Repositories",
"settings": "instellingen",
"theme": "Thema",
"themes": "Themas",
"version": "Versie"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Je kunt maar een enkele configuratie van HACS tegelijk hebben."
"error": {
"auth": "Persoonlijke Toegang Token is niet correct."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Zet AppDaemon apps ontdekken & traceren aan",
"netdaemon": "Zet NetDaemon apps ontdekken & traceren aan",
"python_script": "Zet python_scripts ontdekken & traceren aan",
"sidepanel_icon": "Zijpaneel icoon",
"sidepanel_title": "Zijpaneel titel",
"theme": "Zet Themes ontdekken & traceren aan",
"token": "GitHub Persoonlijke Toegang Token"
"description": "Als je hulp nodig hebt met de configuratie, kun je hier verder kijken: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Weet u zeker dat u dit wilt toevoegen aan uw Lovelace bronnen?",
"bg_task": "Actie is geblokkeerd terwijl achtergrondtaken actief zijn.",
"cancel": "Annuleer",
"continue": "Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan?",
"delete": "Weet u zeker dat u '{item}' wilt verwijderen?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' is geïnstalleerd, je dient het eerst te deïnstalleren voordat je het kan verwijderen.",
"exist": "{item} bestaat al.",
"generic": "Weet je het zeker?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Een moment alstublieft, Home Assistant is aan het herstarten.",
"no": "Nee",
"no_upgrades": "Geen upgrades in afwachting.",
"ok": "Oké",
"overwrite": "Door dit te doen, wordt het overschreven.",
"reload_data": "Dit zal alle bekende data herladen van alle repositories van HACS. Dit kan even duren",
"restart_home_assistant": "Weet u zeker dat u Home Assistant opnieuw wilt starten?",
"uninstall": "Weet u zeker dat u '{item}' wilt verwijderen?",
"upgrade_all": "Hiermee worden al deze repositories geüpgraded. Zorg ervoor dat u de release-opmerkingen van allen heeft gelezen voordat u doorgaat.",
"yes": "Ja"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Zet AppDaemon apps ontdekken & traceren aan",
"country": "Filter met land code.",
"debug": "Schakel debug in.",
"experimental": "Zet experimentele functies aan",
"netdaemon": "Zet NetDaemon apps ontdekken & traceren aan",
"not_in_use": "Niet in gebruik met YAML",
"release_limit": "Aantal releases om te laten zien.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Zijpaneel icoon",
"sidepanel_title": "Zijpaneel titel"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "Deze integratie ondersteunt config_flow, wat betekent dat u via uw \"Instellingen\" naar \"Integraties\" kunt gaan om het te configureren.",
"config_flow_title": "UI-configuratie ondersteund",
"integration_not_loaded": "Deze integratie wordt niet geladen in Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "Geen herstart vereist",
"not_loaded": "Niet geladen",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Deze plugin wordt niet toegevoegd aan je Lovelace resources.",
"restart": "U moet Home Assistant opnieuw starten.",
"restart_pending": "Wachten op herstart"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Toevoegen aan Lovelace",
"authors": "Auteurs",
"available": "Beschikbaar",
"back_to": "Terug naar",
"changelog": "Changelog",
"downloads": "Downloads",
"flag_this": "Vlag dit",
"frontend_version": "Frontend versie",
"github_stars": "GitHub-sterren",
"goto_integrations": "Ga naar integraties",
"hide": "Verberg",
"hide_beta": "Verberg beta",
"install": "Installeer",
"installed": "Geinstalleerd",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Kopier het voorbeeld naar je klembord",
"lovelace_instruction": "Wanneer je dit gaat toevoegen aan je lovelace configuratie gebruik dit",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Kon niet achterhalen welk type plugin dit is, controleer de repository van de plugin.",
"newest": "nieuwste",
"note_appdaemon": "je moet het nog steeds toevoegen aan je 'apps.yaml' bestand",
"note_installed": "Wanneer geïnstalleerd, staat het in",
"note_integration": "je moet het nog steeds toevoegen aan je 'configuration.yaml' bestand",
"note_plugin": "je moet het nog steeds toevoegen aan je lovelace configuratie ('ui-lovelace.yaml') of raw UI config editor.",
"open_issue": "Meld probleem",
"open_plugin": "Open plugin",
"reinstall": "Herinstalleer",
"repository": "Repository",
"restart_home_assistant": "Start Home Assistant opnieuw",
"show_beta": "Laat beta zien",
"uninstall": "Verwijder",
"update_information": "Update informatie",
"upgrade": "Update"
"settings": {
"add_custom_repository": "VOEG EIGEN REPOSITORY TOE",
"adding_new_repo": "Nieuwe repository '{repo}' toevoegen",
"adding_new_repo_category": "Met categorie '{category}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "Aangepaste repositories zijn verborgen terwijl de achtergrondtaken actief zijn.",
"category": "Categorie",
"compact_mode": "Compacte modus",
"custom_repositories": "EIGEN REPOSITORIES",
"delete": "Verwijder",
"display": "Weergave",
"grid": "Rooster",
"hacs_repo": "HACS repo",
"hidden_repositories": "verborgen repositories",
"missing_category": "Je moet een categorie selecteren.",
"open_repository": "Open repository",
"reload_data": "Herlaad data",
"reload_window": "Herlaad venster",
"repository_configuration": "Repository configuratie",
"save": "Opslaan",
"table": "Tabel",
"table_view": "Tabelweergave",
"unhide": "zichtbaar maken",
"upgrade_all": "Upgrade alles"
"store": {
"ascending": "oplopend",
"clear_new": "Wissen van alle nieuwe repositories",
"descending": "Aflopend",
"last_updated": "Laatste update",
"name": "Naam",
"new_repositories": "Nieuwe Repositories",
"pending_upgrades": "Upgrades in afwachting",
"placeholder_search": "Typ iets om te zoeken...",
"sort": "sorteer",
"stars": "Sterren",
"status": "Status"
"time": {
"ago": "geleden",
"day": "dag",
"days": "dagen",
"hour": "uur",
"hours": "uren",
"minute": "minuut",
"minutes": "minuten",
"month": "maand",
"months": "maanden",
"one": "Eén",
"one_day_ago": "een dag geleden",
"one_hour_ago": "een uur geleden",
"one_minute_ago": "een minuut geleden",
"one_month_ago": "een maand geleden",
"one_second_ago": "een seconde geleden",
"one_year_ago": "een jaar geleden",
"second": "seconde",
"seconds": "seconden",
"x_days_ago": "{x} dagen geleden",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} uur geleden",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} minuten geleden",
"x_months_ago": "{x} maanden geleden",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} seconden geleden",
"x_years_ago": "{x} jaar geleden",
"year": "jaar",
"years": "jaren"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
"common": {
"about": "Om",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "AppDeamon-appar",
"background_task": "Bakgrunnsoppgåve køyrer. Denne sida kjem til å laste seg omatt når ho er ferdig.",
"check_log_file": "Sjå i loggfila di for meir detaljar.",
"continue": "Hald fram",
"disabled": "Deaktivert",
"documentation": "Dokumentasjon",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS er deaktivert",
"installed": "Installert",
"integration": "Integrasjon",
"integrations": "Integrasjonar",
"manage": "Handtere",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "NetDeamon-appar",
"plugin": "Tillegg",
"plugins": "Tillegg",
"python_script": "Pythonskript",
"python_scripts": "Pythonskript",
"repositories": "Repositories",
"settings": "innstillingar",
"theme": "Tema",
"themes": "Tema",
"version": "Versjon"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Berre éin enkelt konfigurasjon av HACS er tillete."
"error": {
"auth": "Personleg tilgangsnøkkel er ikkje korrekt."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Aktiver AppDeamon-appar-oppdaging og sporing",
"netdaemon": "Aktiver NetDeamon-appar-oppdaging og sporing",
"python_script": "Aktiver pythonscript-oppdaging og sporing",
"sidepanel_icon": "Sidepanelikon",
"sidepanel_title": "Sidepaneltittel",
"theme": "Aktiver tema-oppdaging og sporing",
"token": "Personleg GitHub tilgangsnøkkel"
"description": "Dersom du treng hjelp med konfigurasjonen, ta ein kik her: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Er du sikker på at du vil legge til dette i Lovelace-ressursane dine?",
"bg_task": "Handlinga er deaktivert medan bakgrunnsoppgåveene køyrer.",
"cancel": "Avbryt",
"continue": "Er du sikker på at du vil halde fram?",
"delete": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette '{item}'?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' er installert. Du må avinstallere det før du kan slette det.",
"exist": "{item} eksisterer allereie",
"generic": "Er du sikker?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Vent... Home Assistant starter på nytt no.",
"home_assistant_version_not_correct": "Du køyrer Home Assistant-versjonen '{haversion}', men dette kodedepoet krev minimum versjon '{minversion}' for å bli installert.",
"no": "Nei",
"no_upgrades": "Ingen ventande oppgradringer",
"ok": "OK",
"overwrite": "Ved å gjere dette kjem du til å overskrive.",
"reload_data": "Dette laster inn dataa til depota HACS veit om, og dette vil ta litt tid å fullføre.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Er du sikker på at du vil starte Home Assistant på nytt?",
"uninstall": "Er du sikker på at du vil avinstallere '{item}'?",
"upgrade_all": "Dette kjem til å oppgradere alle depota. Ver sikker på at du har lest alle versjonsmerknadene før du held fram.",
"yes": "Ja"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Aktiver AppDeamon-appar-oppdaging og sporing",
"country": "Filterer med landskode",
"debug": "Aktiver debug.",
"experimental": "Aktiver ekspreimentelle funksjonar",
"netdaemon": "Aktiver NetDeamon-appar-oppdaging og sporing",
"not_in_use": "Kan ikkje brukast saman med YAML",
"release_limit": "Talet på utgivingar",
"sidepanel_icon": "Sidepanelikon",
"sidepanel_title": "Sidepaneltittel"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "Denne integrasjonen støttar config_flow, som betyr at du no kan gå til integrasjonssida i brukargrensesnittet for å konfigurere den.",
"config_flow_title": "UI-konfigurasjon støtta",
"integration_not_loaded": "Integrasjonen er ikkje lasta inn i Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "Ingen omstart kravd",
"not_loaded": "Ikkje lasta",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Tillegget er ikkje lagt til i Lovelace-ressursane dine.",
"restart": "Du må starte Home Assistant på nytt",
"restart_pending": "Omstart venter"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Legg til i Lovelace",
"authors": "Forfatter(e)",
"available": "Tilgjengeleg",
"back_to": "Tilbake til",
"changelog": "Endre logg",
"downloads": "Nedlastinger",
"flag_this": "Marker dette",
"frontend_version": "Frontend-versjon",
"github_stars": "GitHub-stjerner",
"goto_integrations": "Gå til integrasjonar",
"hide": "Gøym",
"hide_beta": "Gøym beta",
"install": "Installer",
"installed": "Installert",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Kopier eksempelet til utklippsbreittet ditt",
"lovelace_instruction": "Når du legg til dette i Lovelace-konfigurasjonen din, bruk dette",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Kunne ikkje slå fast typen til dette tilegget. Sjå i repositoryet.",
"newest": "nyaste",
"note_appdaemon": "du må framleis legge dette til i \"apps.yaml\"-fila di",
"note_installed": "Når dette er installert, kjem den til å vere plassert i",
"note_integration": "du må framleis legge dette til i \"configuration.yaml\"-fila di",
"note_plugin": "du må framleis dette til i Lovelace-konfigurasjonen (\"ui-lovelace.yaml\" eller i rå-brukargrensesnittredigeraren",
"open_issue": "Opne problem",
"open_plugin": "Opne tillegg",
"reinstall": "Installer på nytt",
"repository": "Repository",
"restart_home_assistant": "Start Home Assistant på nytt",
"show_beta": "Vis beta",
"uninstall": "Avinstaller",
"update_information": "Oppdater informasjonen",
"upgrade": "Oppdater"
"settings": {
"add_custom_repository": "LEGG TIL EIN ANNAN REPOSITORY",
"adding_new_repo": "Legger til ny repository '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "Med kategori '{category}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "Custom repositories er skjult medan bakgrunnsoppgaver køyrer.",
"category": "Kategori",
"compact_mode": "Kompaktmodus",
"custom_repositories": "VANLEG REPOSITORY",
"delete": "Slett",
"display": "Vis",
"grid": "rutenett",
"hacs_repo": "HACS repo",
"hidden_repositories": "gøymde repositories",
"missing_category": "Du må velje éin kategori",
"open_repository": "Opne repository",
"reload_data": "Last om dataa",
"reload_window": "Last inn vindauget på nytt",
"repository_configuration": "Repository-konfigurasjon",
"save": "Lagre",
"table": "Tavle",
"table_view": "Tabellvisning",
"unhide": "vis",
"upgrade_all": "Oppdater alle"
"store": {
"ascending": "stigande",
"clear_new": "Fjern alle nye repositories",
"descending": "synkande",
"last_updated": "Sist oppdatert",
"name": "Namn",
"new_repositories": "Ny repository",
"pending_upgrades": "Ventande oppgraderinger",
"placeholder_search": "Ver vennleg og skriv inn ei søkefrase",
"sort": "Sorter",
"stars": "Stjerner",
"status": "Status"
"time": {
"ago": "sidan",
"day": "dag",
"days": "dagar",
"hour": "time",
"hours": "timar",
"minute": "minutt",
"minutes": "minutt",
"month": "månad",
"months": "månadar",
"one": "Éin",
"one_day_ago": "for éin dag sidan",
"one_hour_ago": "éin time sidan",
"one_minute_ago": "eitt minutt sidan",
"one_month_ago": "ein månad sidan",
"one_second_ago": "eitt sekund sidan",
"one_year_ago": "eitt år sidan",
"second": "sekund",
"seconds": "sekund",
"x_days_ago": "{x} dagar siden",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} timer sidan",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} minutt sidan",
"x_months_ago": "{x} månadar sidan",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} sekund sidan",
"x_years_ago": "{x} år sidan",
"year": "år",
"years": "år"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
"common": {
"about": "O",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "Aplikacje AppDaemon",
"background_task": "Wykonywanie zadania w tle, ta strona zostanie odświeżona, gdy zadanie zostanie ukończone.",
"check_log_file": "Sprawdź plik dziennika, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.",
"continue": "Kontynuuj",
"disabled": "Wyłączony",
"documentation": "Dokumentacja",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS jest wyłączony",
"installed": "zainstalowane",
"integration": "Integracja",
"integrations": "Integracje",
"manage": "zarządzaj",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "Aplikacje NetDaemon",
"plugin": "Wtyczka",
"plugins": "Wtyczki",
"python_script": "Skrypt Python",
"python_scripts": "Skrypty Python",
"repositories": "Repozytoria",
"settings": "ustawienia",
"theme": "Motyw",
"themes": "Motywy",
"version": "Wersja"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Dozwolona jest tylko jedna konfiguracja HACS."
"error": {
"auth": "Osobisty token dostępu jest nieprawidłowy."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Włącz wykrywanie i śledzenie aplikacji AppDaemon",
"netdaemon": "Włącz wykrywanie i śledzenie aplikacji NetDaemon",
"python_script": "Włącz wykrywanie i śledzenie skryptów Python",
"sidepanel_icon": "Ikona w panelu bocznym",
"sidepanel_title": "Tytuł w panelu bocznym",
"theme": "Włącz wykrywanie i śledzenie motywów",
"token": "Osobisty token dostępu GitHub"
"description": "Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy w konfiguracji, przejdź na stronę: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Na pewno chcesz dodać to do swoich zasobów Lovelace?",
"bg_task": "Akcja jest wyłączona podczas wykonywania zadań w tle.",
"cancel": "Anuluj",
"continue": "Na pewno chcesz kontynuować?",
"delete": "Na pewno chcesz usunąć '{item}'?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' jest zainstalowany, musisz go odinstalować zanim będziesz mógł go usunąć.",
"exist": "{item} już istnieje",
"generic": "Jesteś pewny?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Poczekaj, Home Assistant jest teraz ponownie uruchamiany.",
"home_assistant_version_not_correct": "Używasz Home Assistant'a w wersji '{haversion}', a to repozytorium wymaga wersji minimum '{minversion}'.",
"no": "Nie",
"no_upgrades": "Brak oczekujących aktualizacji",
"ok": "Ok",
"overwrite": "Spowoduje to zastąpienie istniejącej kopii.",
"reload_data": "To przeładowuje dane wszystkich repozytoriów, o których wie HACS, może to trochę potrwać.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Na pewno chcesz ponownie uruchomić Home Assistant'a?",
"uninstall": "Na pewno chcesz odinstalować '{item}'?",
"upgrade_all": "To uaktualni wszystkie te repozytoria, upewnij się, że przeczytałeś uwagi do wydania dla wszystkich z nich przed kontynuacją.",
"yes": "Tak"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Włącz wykrywanie i śledzenie aplikacji AppDaemon",
"country": "Filtruj według kodu kraju",
"debug": "Włącz debugowanie.",
"experimental": "Włącz funkcje eksperymentalne",
"netdaemon": "Włącz wykrywanie i śledzenie aplikacji NetDaemon",
"not_in_use": "Nieużywany z YAML",
"release_limit": "Liczba wydań do wyświetlenia",
"sidepanel_icon": "Ikona w panelu bocznym",
"sidepanel_title": "Tytuł w panelu bocznym"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "Ta integracja obsługuje config_flow, co oznacza, że możesz teraz przejść do sekcji integracji w interfejsie użytkownika, aby ją skonfigurować.",
"config_flow_title": "Obsługiwana konfiguracja poprzez interfejs użytkownika",
"integration_not_loaded": "Ta integracja nie jest załadowana do Home Assistant'a.",
"no_restart_required": "Ponowne uruchomienie nie jest wymagane",
"not_loaded": "Nie załadowano",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Ta wtyczka nie jest dodana do zasobów Lovelace.",
"restart": "Musisz ponownie uruchomić Home Assistant'a.",
"restart_pending": "Oczekiwanie na ponowne uruchomienie"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Dodaj do Lovelace",
"authors": "Autorzy",
"available": "Dostępna",
"back_to": "Wróć do",
"changelog": "Lista zmian",
"downloads": "Ilość pobrań",
"flag_this": "Oflaguj",
"frontend_version": "Wersja frontendu",
"github_stars": "Gwiazdki GitHub",
"goto_integrations": "Przejdź do integracji",
"hide": "Ukryj",
"hide_beta": "Ukryj wydania beta",
"install": "Zainstaluj",
"installed": "Zainstalowano",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Skopiuj przykład do schowka",
"lovelace_instruction": "Interfejs użytkownika użyje tej wtyczki po dodaniu konfiguracji",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Nie można określić typu tej wtyczki, sprawdź repozytorium.",
"newest": "najnowsza",
"note_appdaemon": "musisz jeszcze dodać aplikację do pliku 'apps.yaml'",
"note_installed": "Po zainstalowaniu dodatek będzie znajdować się w",
"note_integration": "musisz jeszcze dodać integrację do pliku 'configuration.yaml'",
"note_plugin": "musisz jeszcze dodać wtyczkę do konfiguracji interfejsu użytkownika (plik 'ui-lovelace.yaml' lub edytor interfejsu użytkownika)",
"open_issue": "Powiadom o problemie",
"open_plugin": "Otwórz dodatek",
"reinstall": "Przeinstaluj",
"repository": "Repozytorium",
"restart_home_assistant": "Uruchom ponownie Home Assistant'a",
"show_beta": "Wyświetl wydania beta",
"uninstall": "Odinstaluj",
"update_information": "Informacje o aktualizacji",
"upgrade": "Uaktualnij"
"settings": {
"adding_new_repo": "Dodawanie nowego repozytorium '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "Z kategorią '{category}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "Niestandardowe repozytoria są ukryte podczas wykonywania zadań w tle.",
"category": "Kategoria",
"compact_mode": "Tryb kompaktowy",
"custom_repositories": "REPOZYTORIA NIESTANDARDOWE",
"delete": "Usuń",
"display": "Sposób wyświetlania",
"grid": "Siatka",
"hacs_repo": "Repozytorium HACS",
"hidden_repositories": "ukryte repozytoria",
"missing_category": "Musisz wybrać kategorię",
"open_repository": "Otwórz repozytorium",
"reload_data": "Wczytaj ponownie dane",
"reload_window": "Załaduj ponownie okno",
"repository_configuration": "Konfiguracja repozytorium",
"save": "Zapisz",
"table": "tabela",
"table_view": "Widok tabeli",
"unhide": "pokaż",
"upgrade_all": "Uaktualnij wszystkie"
"store": {
"ascending": "rosnąco",
"clear_new": "Wyczyść wszystkie nowe repozytoria",
"descending": "malejąco",
"last_updated": "Ostatnia aktualizacja",
"name": "Nazwa",
"new_repositories": "Nowe repozytoria",
"pending_upgrades": "Oczekujące aktualizacje",
"placeholder_search": "Wprowadź wyszukiwane hasło...",
"sort": "sortowanie",
"stars": "Gwiazdki",
"status": "Status"
"time": {
"ago": "temu",
"day": "dzień",
"days": "dni",
"hour": "godzina",
"hours": "godziny",
"minute": "minuta",
"minutes": "minuty",
"month": "miesiąc",
"months": "miesięcy",
"one": "Jeden",
"one_day_ago": "jeden dzień temu",
"one_hour_ago": "jedna godzina temu",
"one_minute_ago": "jedna minuta temu",
"one_month_ago": "jeden miesiąc temu",
"one_second_ago": "jedna sekunda temu",
"one_year_ago": "jeden rok temu",
"second": "sekunda",
"seconds": "sekundy",
"x_days_ago": "{x} dni temu",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} godzin(-y) temu",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} minut(-y) temu",
"x_months_ago": "{x} miesi(-ące\/-ęcy) temu",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} sekund(-y) temu",
"x_years_ago": "{x} lat(-a) temu",
"year": "rok",
"years": "lata"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
"common": {
"about": "Sobre",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "AppDaemon Apps",
"background_task": "Tarefa em segundo plano em execução, esta página será recarregada quando terminar.",
"continue": "Continuar",
"disabled": "Desativado",
"documentation": "Documentação",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS está desativado",
"installed": "instalado",
"integration": "Integração",
"integrations": "Integrações",
"manage": "gerenciar",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "NetDaemon Apps",
"plugin": "Plugin",
"plugins": "Plugins",
"python_script": "Python Script",
"python_scripts": "Python Scripts",
"repositories": "Repositórios",
"settings": "configurações",
"theme": "Tema",
"themes": "Temas",
"version": "Versão"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Apenas uma configuração do HACS é permitida."
"error": {
"auth": "Token de acesso pessoal incorreto."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Habilitar AppDaemon apps descoberta & rastreamento",
"netdaemon": "Habilitar NetDaemon apps descoberta & rastreamento",
"python_script": "Habilitar python_scripts descoberta & rastreamento",
"sidepanel_icon": "Icone do painel lateral",
"sidepanel_title": "Titulo do painel lateral",
"theme": "Habilitar temas descoberta & rastreamento",
"token": "GitHub Token de acesso pessoal"
"description": "Se você preciar de ajuda com a configuração olhe aqui: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"continue": "Tem certeza que quer continuar?",
"delete": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir '{item}'?",
"exist": "{item} já existe",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Espere, o Home Assistant está agora a reiniciar.",
"no": "Não",
"ok": "OK",
"restart_home_assistant": "Tem certeza de que deseja reiniciar o Home Assistant?",
"uninstall": "Tem certeza de que deseja desinstalar '{item}'?",
"yes": "Sim"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Habilitar AppDaemon apps descoberta & rastreamento",
"country": "Filtro pelo código do país.",
"experimental": "Ativar recursos experimentais",
"netdaemon": "Habilitar NetDaemon apps descoberta & rastreamento",
"not_in_use": "Não está em uso com o YAML",
"release_limit": "Número de lançamentos a serem exibidos.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Icone do painel lateral",
"sidepanel_title": "Titulo do painel lateral"
"repository_banner": {
"integration_not_loaded": "Esta integração não é carregada no Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "Não é necessário reiniciar",
"not_loaded": "Não carregado",
"restart": "Você precisa reiniciar o Home Assistant.",
"restart_pending": "Reiniciar pendente"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Adicionar a Lovelace",
"authors": "Autores",
"available": "Disponível",
"back_to": "Voltar para",
"changelog": "Changelog",
"downloads": "Downloads",
"flag_this": "Sinalizar isso",
"frontend_version": "Versão Frontend",
"github_stars": "Estrelas de GitHub",
"goto_integrations": "Ir para integrações",
"hide": "Esconder",
"hide_beta": "Esconder beta",
"install": "Instalar",
"installed": "Instalado",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Copie este exemplo para seu clipboard",
"lovelace_instruction": "Quando você adicionar isso à sua configuração do lovelace, use este",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Não foi possível determinar o tipo deste plug-in, verifique o repositório.",
"newest": "O mais novo",
"note_appdaemon": "Você ainda precisa adicioná-lo ao seu arquivo 'apps.yaml'",
"note_installed": "Quando instalado, ele estará localizado em",
"note_integration": "Você ainda precisa adicioná-lo ao seu arquivo 'configuration.yaml'",
"note_plugin": "você ainda precisará adicioná-lo à sua configuração do lovelace ('ui-lovelace.yaml' ou o editor de configuração da interface do usuário)",
"open_issue": "Open issue",
"open_plugin": "Plugin aberto",
"reinstall": "Reinstalar",
"repository": "Repositório",
"restart_home_assistant": "Reiniciar Home Assistant",
"show_beta": "Mostrar beta",
"uninstall": "Desinstalar",
"update_information": "Atualizar informação",
"upgrade": "Melhorar"
"settings": {
"adding_new_repo": "Adicionando novo repositório '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "Com a categoria '{category}'.",
"category": "Categoria",
"compact_mode": "Modo compacto",
"custom_repositories": "REPOSITÓRIOS PERSONALIZADOS",
"delete": "Deletar",
"display": "Display",
"grid": "Grade",
"hacs_repo": "HACS repo",
"hidden_repositories": "repositórios ocultos",
"missing_category": "Você precisa selecionar uma categoria",
"open_repository": "Repositório aberto",
"reload_data": "Recarregar dados",
"reload_window": "Recarregar janela",
"repository_configuration": "Configuração do Repositório",
"save": "Salvar",
"table": "Tabela",
"table_view": "Vista de mesa",
"unhide": "reexibir",
"upgrade_all": "Atualizar tudo"
"store": {
"ascending": "ascendente",
"clear_new": "Limpar todos os novos repositórios",
"descending": "descendente",
"last_updated": "Última atualização",
"name": "Nome",
"new_repositories": "Novos Repositórios",
"pending_upgrades": "Atualizações pendentes",
"placeholder_search": "Por favor insira um termo de pesquisa...",
"stars": "Estrelas",
"status": "Status"
"time": {
"ago": "atrás",
"day": "dia",
"days": "dias",
"hour": "hora",
"hours": "horas",
"minute": "minuto",
"minutes": "minutos",
"month": "mês",
"months": "meses",
"one": "Um",
"one_day_ago": "um dia atrás",
"one_hour_ago": "uma hora atrás",
"one_minute_ago": "um minuto atrás",
"one_month_ago": "um mês atrás",
"one_second_ago": "um segundo atrás",
"one_year_ago": "um ano atrás",
"second": "segundo",
"seconds": "segundos",
"x_days_ago": "{x} dias atrás",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} horas atrás",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} minutos atrás",
"x_months_ago": "{x} meses atrás",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} segundos atrás",
"x_years_ago": "{x} anos atrás",
"year": "ano",
"years": "anos"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
"common": {
"about": "Despre",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "Aplicații AppDaemon",
"background_task": "Activitatea de fundal se execută, această pagină se va reîncărca atunci când este gata.",
"continue": "Continua",
"disabled": "Dezactivat",
"documentation": "Documentație",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS este dezactivat",
"installed": "instalat",
"integration": "Integrare",
"integrations": "Integrări",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "Aplicații NetDaemon",
"plugin": "Plugin",
"plugins": "Plugin-uri",
"python_script": "Script Python",
"python_scripts": "Scripturi Python",
"repositories": "Depozite",
"settings": "setări",
"theme": "Temă",
"themes": "Teme",
"version": "Versiune"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Doar o singură configurație pentru HACS este permisă."
"error": {
"auth": "Token-ul de acces personal nu este corect."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Activați descoperirea și urmărirea aplicațiilor AppDaemon",
"netdaemon": "Activați descoperirea și urmărirea aplicațiilor NetDaemon",
"python_script": "Activați descoperirea și urmărirea python_scripts",
"sidepanel_icon": "Pictogramă Panou lateral",
"sidepanel_title": "Titlu panou lateral",
"theme": "Activați descoperirea și urmărirea temelor",
"token": "Token de acces personal GitHub"
"description": "Dacă aveți nevoie de ajutor pentru configurare, uitați-vă aici: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"bg_task": "Acțiunea este dezactivată în timp ce activitățile de fundal se execută.",
"cancel": "Anulare",
"delete": "Sigur doriți să ștergeți '{item}'?",
"exist": "{item} există deja",
"no": "Nu",
"ok": "OK",
"uninstall": "Sigur doriți să dezinstalați '{item}'?",
"yes": "Da"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Activați descoperirea și urmărirea aplicațiilor AppDaemon",
"country": "Filtrează cu codul țării.",
"experimental": "Activați funcțiile experimentale",
"netdaemon": "Activați descoperirea și urmărirea aplicațiilor NetDaemon",
"not_in_use": "Nu este utilizat cu YAML",
"release_limit": "Număr de versiuni afișate.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Pictogramă Panou lateral",
"sidepanel_title": "Titlu panou lateral"
"repository_banner": {
"integration_not_loaded": "Această integrare nu este încărcată în Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "Nu este necesară repornirea",
"restart": "Trebuie să reporniți Home Assistant.",
"restart_pending": "Reporniți în așteptare"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Adăugați la Lovelace",
"authors": "Autori",
"available": "Disponibil",
"back_to": "Înapoi la",
"changelog": "Jurnal modificari",
"downloads": "Descărcări",
"flag_this": "Semnalizează",
"frontend_version": "Versiune frontend",
"github_stars": "Stele GitHub",
"hide": "Ascunde",
"hide_beta": "Ascundere beta",
"install": "Instalează",
"installed": "Instalat",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Copiați exemplul în clipboard",
"lovelace_instruction": "Când adăugați acest lucru la configurația lovelace, folosiți acest",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Nu s-a putut determina tipul acestui plugin, verificați \"repository\".",
"newest": "cele mai noi",
"note_appdaemon": "mai trebuie să o adăugați in fișierul „apps.yaml”",
"note_installed": "Când este instalat, acesta va fi localizat în",
"note_integration": "mai trebuie să o adăugați in fișierul „configuration.yaml”",
"note_plugin": "mai trebuie să o adăugați la configurația lovelace ('ui-lovelace.yaml' sau in editorul UI)",
"open_issue": "Deschidere problemă",
"open_plugin": "Deschide plugin",
"reinstall": "Reinstalare",
"repository": "Depozit",
"restart_home_assistant": "Reporniți Home Assistant",
"show_beta": "Afișare beta",
"uninstall": "Dezinstalare",
"update_information": "Actualizare informație",
"upgrade": "Actualizare"
"settings": {
"add_custom_repository": "ADĂUGARE DEPOZIT PERSONALIZAT",
"adding_new_repo": "Adăugarea unui depozit nou '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "Cu categoria '{categoria}'.",
"category": "Categorie",
"compact_mode": "Modul compact",
"custom_repositories": "DEPOZITE PERSONALIZATE",
"delete": "Șterge",
"display": "Afişeaza",
"grid": "Grilă",
"hacs_repo": "HACS repo",
"hidden_repositories": "depozite ascunse",
"missing_category": "Trebuie să selectați o categorie",
"open_repository": "Deschideți depozitul",
"reload_data": "Reîncărcați datele",
"reload_window": "Reîncărcați fereastra",
"repository_configuration": "Configurația depozitului",
"save": "Salveaza",
"table": "Tabel",
"table_view": "Vizualizare tabel",
"unhide": "Unhide",
"upgrade_all": "Actualizați toate"
"store": {
"ascending": "ascendent",
"descending": "descendent",
"last_updated": "Ultima actualizare",
"name": "Nume",
"new_repositories": "Noi depozite",
"placeholder_search": "Vă rugăm să introduceți un termen de căutare ...",
"sort": "fel",
"stars": "Stele",
"status": "Starea"
"time": {
"ago": "în urmă",
"day": "zi",
"days": "zi",
"hour": "oră",
"hours": "ore",
"minute": "minut",
"minutes": "minute",
"month": "lună",
"months": "luni",
"one": "Unu",
"one_day_ago": "acum o zi",
"one_hour_ago": "acum o oră",
"one_minute_ago": "acum un minut",
"one_month_ago": "acum o luna",
"one_second_ago": "acum o secunda",
"one_year_ago": "acum un an",
"second": "al doilea",
"seconds": "secunde",
"x_days_ago": "{x} zile în urmă",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} ore în urmă",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} minute în urmă",
"x_months_ago": "{x} luni în urmă",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} secunde în urmă",
"x_years_ago": "{x} ani în urmă",
"year": "an",
"years": "ani"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
"common": {
"about": "О проекте",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "Приложения AppDaemon",
"background_task": "Выполняется фоновая задача, страница перезагрузится по готовности.",
"check_log_file": "Проверьте логи для получения более подробной информации.",
"continue": "Продолжить",
"disabled": "Отключено",
"documentation": "Документация",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS отключен",
"installed": "установлено",
"integration": "Интеграция",
"integrations": "Интеграции",
"manage": "управлять",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "Приложения NetDaemon",
"plugin": "Плагин",
"plugins": "Плагины",
"python_script": "Скрипт Python",
"python_scripts": "Скрипты Python",
"repositories": "Репозитории",
"settings": "настройки",
"theme": "Тема",
"themes": "Темы",
"version": "Версия"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Разрешена только одна настройка HACS."
"error": {
"auth": "Неверный токен персонального доступа."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Включить поиск и отслеживание приложений AppDaemon",
"netdaemon": "Включить поиск и отслеживание приложений NetDaemon",
"python_script": "Включить поиск и отслеживание скриптов Python",
"sidepanel_icon": "Иконка в боковом меню",
"sidepanel_title": "Название в боковом меню",
"theme": "Включить поиск и отслеживание тем",
"token": "Персональный токен доступа GitHub"
"description": "Если вам нужна помощь с настройкой, посмотрите: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Вы уверены, что хотите добавить это в ресурсы Lovelace?",
"bg_task": "Действие отключено во время выполнения фоновых задач.",
"cancel": "Отмена",
"continue": "Вы уверены, что хотите продолжить?",
"delete": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить '{item}'?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' установлен, вам нужно нажать 'Удалить', чтобы удалить его.",
"exist": "{item} уже существует.",
"generic": "Вы уверены?",
"no": "Нет",
"no_upgrades": "Нет обновлений",
"ok": "ОК",
"overwrite": "После подтверждения файлы будут перезаписаны.",
"reload_data": "Выполняется перезагрузка данных всех репозиториев в HACS, это займет некоторое время.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Вы уверены, что хотите перезапустить Home Assistant?",
"uninstall": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить '{item}'?",
"yes": "Да"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Включить поиск и отслеживание приложений AppDaemon",
"country": "Фильтр по стране.",
"debug": "Включить отладку.",
"experimental": "Вкл. экспериментальные функции",
"netdaemon": "Включить поиск и отслеживание приложений NetDaemon",
"not_in_use": "Не используется с YAML",
"release_limit": "Число доступных версий.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Иконка в боковом меню",
"sidepanel_title": "Название в боковом меню"
"repository_banner": {
"integration_not_loaded": "Эта интеграция не загружена в Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "Перезагрузка не требуется",
"not_loaded": "Не загружено",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Этот плагин не добавлен к ресурсам Lovelace.",
"restart": "Вам нужно перезапустить Home Assistant.",
"restart_pending": "Ожидается перезапуск"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Добавить в Lovelace",
"authors": "Авторы",
"available": "Доступно",
"back_to": "Назад к",
"changelog": "Изменения",
"downloads": "Загрузки",
"flag_this": "Пожаловаться",
"frontend_version": "Версия",
"github_stars": "Звезды GitHub",
"goto_integrations": "Перейти к интеграции",
"hide": "Скрыть",
"hide_beta": "Скрыть бета",
"install": "Установить",
"installed": "Установлено",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Скопируйте пример в буфер обмена",
"lovelace_instruction": "Для добавления в конфигурацию Lovelace, используйте",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Не удалось определить тип этого плагина, проверьте репозиторий.",
"newest": "новейшая",
"note_appdaemon": "вам всё ещё нужно добавить код для настройки приложения в файл 'apps.yaml'",
"note_installed": "После установки, файлы будут расположены в",
"note_integration": "вам всё ещё нужно добавить код для настройки интеграции в файл 'configuration.yaml'",
"note_plugin": "вам всё ещё нужно добавить код для настройки плагина в конфигурацию Lovelace ('ui-lovelace.yaml')",
"open_issue": "Сообщить о проблеме",
"open_plugin": "Открыть плагин",
"reinstall": "Переустановить",
"repository": "Репозиторий",
"restart_home_assistant": "Перезагрузка Home Assistant",
"show_beta": "Показать бета",
"uninstall": "Удалить",
"update_information": "Обновить информацию",
"upgrade": "Обновить"
"settings": {
"add_custom_repository": "ДОБАВИТЬ СВОЙ РЕПОЗИТОРИЙ",
"adding_new_repo": "Добавление нового репозитория '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "С категорией '{category}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "Свои репозитории скрыты во время выполнения фоновых задач.",
"category": "Категория",
"compact_mode": "Компактный режим",
"custom_repositories": "СВОИ РЕПОЗИТОРИИ",
"delete": "Удалить",
"display": "Вид",
"grid": "Сетка",
"hacs_repo": "Репозиторий HACS",
"hidden_repositories": "Скрытые репозитории",
"missing_category": "Вы должны выбрать категорию",
"open_repository": "Открыть репозиторий",
"reload_data": "Перезагрузить",
"reload_window": "Перезагрузить окно",
"repository_configuration": "Конфигурация репозитория",
"save": "Сохранить",
"table": "Таблица",
"table_view": "Таблица",
"unhide": "Показать",
"upgrade_all": "Обновить всё"
"store": {
"ascending": "по возрастанию",
"clear_new": "Очистить все новые репозитории",
"descending": "по убыванию",
"last_updated": "Последнее обновление",
"name": "Название",
"new_repositories": "Новые репозитории",
"pending_upgrades": "Ожидается обновление",
"placeholder_search": "Пожалуйста, введите условие для поиска...",
"sort": "Сортировка",
"stars": "Звезды",
"status": "Статус"
"time": {
"ago": "назад",
"day": "день",
"days": "дней",
"hour": "час",
"hours": "часов",
"minute": "минута",
"minutes": "минут",
"month": "месяц",
"months": "месяца",
"one": "Одна",
"one_day_ago": "один день назад",
"one_hour_ago": "час назад",
"one_minute_ago": "минуту назад",
"one_month_ago": "месяц назад",
"one_second_ago": "одну секунду назад",
"one_year_ago": "один год назад",
"second": "секунда",
"seconds": "секунд",
"x_days_ago": "{x} дней назад",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} часов назад",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} минут назад",
"x_months_ago": "{x} месяцев назад",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} секунд назад",
"x_years_ago": "{x} лет назад",
"year": "год",
"years": "лет"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
"common": {
"about": "O tem",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "AppDaemon Aplikacije",
"background_task": "V ozadju se izvaja naloga, ko se konča, se bo stran osvežila.",
"check_log_file": "Za več podrobnosti preverite datoteko dnevnika.",
"continue": "Nadaljuj",
"disabled": "Onemogočeno",
"documentation": "Dokumentacija",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS je onemogočen",
"installed": "Nameščeno",
"integration": "Integracija",
"integrations": "Integracije",
"manage": "upravljanje",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "NetDaemon Aplikacije",
"plugin": "vtičnik",
"plugins": "Vtičniki",
"python_script": "Python skripta",
"python_scripts": "Python skripte",
"repositories": "Repozitoriji",
"settings": "nastavitve",
"theme": "Tema",
"themes": "Teme",
"version": "Različica"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Dovoljena je samo ena konfiguracija HACS."
"error": {
"auth": "Osebni dostopni žeton ni pravilen."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Omogoči odkrivanje in sledenje aplikacij AppDaemon",
"netdaemon": "Omogoči odkrivanje in sledenje aplikacij NetDaemon",
"python_script": "Omogoči odkrivanje in sledenje python_scripts",
"sidepanel_icon": "Ikona stranske plošče",
"sidepanel_title": "Naslov stranske plošče",
"theme": "Omogoči odkrivanje in sledenje tem",
"token": "GitHub žeton za osebni dostop"
"description": "Če potrebujete pomoč pri konfiguraciji, poglejte tukaj: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Ali si prepričan, da želiš to dodati med svoje vire Lovelace?",
"bg_task": "Dejanje je onemogočeno, medtem ko se izvajajo opravila v ozadju.",
"cancel": "Prekliči",
"continue": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite nadaljevati?",
"delete": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati '{item}'?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' je nameščen, pred odstranitvijo ga morate odstraniti.",
"exist": "{item} že obstaja",
"generic": "Ali si prepričan?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Počakaj, Home Assistant se zdaj znova zaganja.",
"home_assistant_version_not_correct": "Uporabljate Home Assistant verzije '{haversion}', vendar to skladišče zahteva nameščeno najmanj različico '{minversion}'.",
"no": "Ne",
"no_upgrades": "Ni nadgradenj",
"ok": "V redu",
"overwrite": "Če to storite, bo to prepisano.",
"reload_data": "Ponovno se naložijo podatki vseh shramb HA, to bo trajalo nekaj časa.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite znova zagnati Home Assistant?",
"uninstall": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti '{item}'?",
"upgrade_all": "To bo nadgradil vse te repozitorije, preden nadaljujete poskrbite, da ste prebrali vse opombe ob izdaji.",
"yes": "Da"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Omogoči odkrivanje in sledenje aplikacij AppDaemon",
"country": "Filtrirajte s kodo države.",
"debug": "Omogoči odpravljanje napak.",
"experimental": "Omogočite poskusne funkcije",
"netdaemon": "Omogoči odkrivanje in sledenje aplikacij NetDaemon",
"not_in_use": "Ni v uporabi z YAML",
"release_limit": "Število izdaj, ki jih želite prikazati.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Ikona stranske plošče",
"sidepanel_title": "Naslov stranske plošče"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "Ta integracija podpira config_flow, kar pomeni, da lahko zdaj greste na odsek integracije vašega uporabniškega vmesnika, da ga konfigurirate.",
"config_flow_title": "Konfiguracija uporabniškega vmesnika je podprta",
"integration_not_loaded": "Ta integracija ni naložena v programu Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "Ponovni zagon ni potreben",
"not_loaded": "Ni naloženo",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Ta vtičnik ni dodan vašim virom Lovelace.",
"restart": "Znova morate zagnati Home Assistant.",
"restart_pending": "Vnovični zagon v čakanju"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Dodaj v Lovelace",
"authors": "Avtorji",
"available": "Na voljo",
"back_to": "Nazaj na",
"changelog": "Dnevnik sprememb",
"downloads": "Prenosi",
"flag_this": "Označite to",
"frontend_version": "Frontend različica",
"github_stars": "GitHub zvezde",
"goto_integrations": "Pojdite na integracije",
"hide": "Skrij",
"hide_beta": "Skrij različico beta",
"install": "Namestite",
"installed": "Nameščeno",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Kopirajte primer v odložišče",
"lovelace_instruction": "Ko ga boste dodajali v svojo lovelace konfiguracijo uporabite to:",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Ni bilo mogoče določiti vrsto tega vtičnika, preverite repozitorij.",
"newest": "najnovejše",
"note_appdaemon": "Še vedno ga morate dodati v svojo 'apps.yaml' datoteko",
"note_installed": "Ko bo nameščen, se bo nahajal v",
"note_integration": "Še vedno ga morate dodati v svojo 'configuration.yaml' datoteko",
"note_plugin": "vendar ga še vedno morate dodati v svojo lovelace konfiguracijo ('ui-lovelace.yaml' ali \"raw\" UI config urejevalnik)",
"open_issue": "Odprite težavo",
"open_plugin": "Odprite vtičnik",
"reinstall": "Znova namestite",
"repository": "Repozitorij",
"restart_home_assistant": "Znova zaženite Home Assistant",
"show_beta": "Pokaži različico beta",
"uninstall": "Odstranite",
"update_information": "Posodobite podatke",
"upgrade": "Nadgradnja"
"settings": {
"add_custom_repository": "DODAJTE SVOJ REPOZITORIJ",
"adding_new_repo": "Dodajanje novega repozitorija '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "S kategorijo '{category}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "Med izvajanjem nalog v ozadju so repozitoriji po meri skriti.",
"category": "Kategorija",
"compact_mode": "Kompaktni način",
"custom_repositories": "VAŠI REPOZITORIJI",
"delete": "Izbriši",
"display": "Prikaz",
"grid": "Mreža",
"hacs_repo": "HACS repo",
"hidden_repositories": "skriti repozitoriji",
"missing_category": "Izbrati moraš kategorijo",
"open_repository": "Odprite skladišče",
"reload_data": "Ponovno naloži podatke",
"reload_window": "Ponovno naloži okno",
"repository_configuration": "Konfiguracija skladišč",
"save": "Shranite",
"table": "Tabela",
"table_view": "Pogled tabele",
"unhide": "Razkrij",
"upgrade_all": "Nadgradite vse"
"store": {
"ascending": "naraščajoče",
"clear_new": "Počisti vse nove repozitorije",
"descending": "padajoče",
"last_updated": "Nazadnje posodobljeno",
"name": "Ime",
"new_repositories": "Novi repozitoriji",
"pending_upgrades": "Nadgradnje na čakanju",
"placeholder_search": "Prosim vnesite iskalni izraz ...",
"sort": "razvrsti",
"stars": "Zvezd",
"status": "Stanje"
"time": {
"ago": "nazaj",
"day": "dan",
"days": "Dni",
"hour": "ura",
"hours": "Ur",
"minute": "minuta",
"minutes": "minut",
"month": "mesec",
"months": "mesecev",
"one": "Eno",
"one_day_ago": "pred enim dnevom",
"one_hour_ago": "pred eno uro",
"one_minute_ago": "pred eno minuto",
"one_month_ago": "pred enim mesecem",
"one_second_ago": "pred sekundo",
"one_year_ago": "pred enim letom",
"second": "drugič",
"seconds": "sekund",
"x_days_ago": "{x} dni nazaj",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} ur nazaj",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} minut nazaj",
"x_months_ago": "{x} mesecev nazaj",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} sekund nazaj",
"x_years_ago": "{x} let nazaj",
"year": "leto",
"years": "Let"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
"common": {
"about": "Om",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "Appdaemon Applikationer",
"background_task": "Bakgrundsjobb körs, denna sida kommer att laddas igen när det är klart.",
"continue": "Fortsätta",
"disabled": "Inaktiverad",
"documentation": "Dokumentation",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS är inaktiverat",
"installed": "installerad",
"integration": "Integration",
"integrations": "Integrationer",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon",
"netdaemon_apps": "NetDaemon Applikationer",
"plugin": "Plugin",
"plugins": "Plugins",
"python_script": "Python skript",
"python_scripts": "Python skript",
"repositories": "Repositories",
"settings": "inställningar",
"theme": "Tema",
"themes": "Teman",
"version": "Version"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Endast en konfiguration kan användas i HACS."
"error": {
"auth": "Personal Access Token är inte korrekt."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Upptäck och följ Appdaemon applikationer",
"netdaemon": "Upptäck och följ NetDaemon applikationer",
"python_script": "Upptäck och följ python_scripts",
"sidepanel_icon": "Ikon för sidpanel",
"sidepanel_title": "Rubrik för sidpanel",
"theme": "Upptäck och följ teman",
"token": "GitHub Personal Access Token"
"description": "Om du behöver hjälp med konfigurationen, se här: https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Är du säker på att du vill lägga till detta till dina Lovelace-resurser?",
"bg_task": "Åtgärden är inaktiverad medan aktiviteter i bakgrunden körs",
"cancel": "Avbryt",
"continue": "Är du säker på att du vill fortsätta?",
"delete": "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort '{item}'?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' är installerat, du måste avinstallera det innan du kan ta bort det.",
"exist": "{item} existerar redan",
"generic": "Är du säker?",
"no": "Nej",
"no_upgrades": "Inga uppgraderingar väntar",
"ok": "OK",
"overwrite": "Detta kommer att skriva över den.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Är du säker på att du vill starta om Home Assistant?",
"uninstall": "Är du säker på att du vill avinstallera '{item}'?",
"upgrade_all": "Detta kommer uppgradera alla dessa repositories, säkerhetsställ att du läst release anteckningarna för dem alla innan du fortsätter",
"yes": "Ja"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Upptäck och följ Appdaemon applikationer",
"country": "Filtrera på landskod.",
"debug": "Aktivera felsökning",
"experimental": "Använd experimentella funktioner",
"netdaemon": "Upptäck och följ NetDaemon applikationer",
"release_limit": "Antalet releaser som visas.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Ikon för sidpanel",
"sidepanel_title": "Rubrik för sidpanel"
"repository_banner": {
"integration_not_loaded": "Denna integration inte laddats i Hem Assistent.",
"no_restart_required": "Ingen omstart krävs",
"not_loaded": "Ej laddad",
"plugin_not_loaded": "Detta plugin är inte tillagt till din Lovelaceresurs.",
"restart": "Du måste starta om Home Assistant.",
"restart_pending": "Omstart väntar"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Lägg till i Lovelace",
"authors": "Författare",
"available": "Tillgänglig",
"back_to": "Tillbaka till",
"changelog": "Ändringslogg",
"downloads": "Nedladdningar",
"flag_this": "Flagga denna",
"frontend_version": "Frontend-version",
"github_stars": "GitHub stjärnor",
"goto_integrations": "Gå till integrationer",
"hide": "Göm",
"hide_beta": "Göm betaversioner",
"install": "Installera",
"installed": "Installerad",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Kopiera exemplet till urklipp",
"lovelace_instruction": "När du lägger till denna till din lovelace konfiguration, använd",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Kan inte avgöra villken typ av plugin, kontrollera i GIT \nrepository",
"newest": "nyaste",
"note_appdaemon": "du behöver fortfarande lägga till den till filen 'apps.yaml'",
"note_installed": "När den är installerad kommer den finnas i",
"note_integration": "du behöver fortfarande lägga den till filen 'configuration.yaml'",
"note_plugin": "du behöver fortfarande lägga till den till din lovelace konfiguration ('ui-lovelace.yaml' eller raw UI config redigerare)",
"open_issue": "Rapportera problem",
"open_plugin": "Öppna plugin",
"reinstall": "Ominstallera",
"repository": "Repository",
"restart_home_assistant": "Starta om Home Assistant",
"show_beta": "Visa betaversioner",
"uninstall": "Avinstallera",
"update_information": "Uppdatera information",
"upgrade": "Uppdatera"
"settings": {
"add_custom_repository": "LÄGG TILL ETT REPOSITORY",
"adding_new_repo": "Lägger till nytt repository '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "Med kategori '{kategori}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "Anpassade repositories är dolda under tiden aktiviteter i bakgrunden körs",
"category": "Kategori",
"compact_mode": "Kompakt läge",
"custom_repositories": "REPOSITORIES",
"delete": "Ta bort",
"display": "Visa",
"grid": "Rutnät",
"hacs_repo": "HACS repo",
"hidden_repositories": "dolda förråd",
"missing_category": "Du behöver välja en kategori",
"open_repository": "Öppna Repository",
"reload_data": "Ladda om data",
"reload_window": "Ladda om fönstret",
"save": "Spara",
"table": "Tabell",
"table_view": "Tabellvy",
"unhide": "ta fram",
"upgrade_all": "Uppgradera alla"
"store": {
"ascending": "stigande",
"clear_new": "Rensa alla nya förvar",
"last_updated": "Senast uppdaterad",
"name": "Namn",
"new_repositories": "Nya förvar",
"pending_upgrades": "Väntande uppgraderingar",
"placeholder_search": "Skriv ett sökord...",
"sort": "sortera",
"stars": "Stjärnor",
"status": "Status"
"time": {
"ago": "sedan",
"day": "dag",
"days": "dagar",
"hour": "timme",
"hours": "timmar",
"minute": "minut",
"minutes": "minuter",
"month": "månad",
"months": "månader",
"one": "Ett",
"one_day_ago": "för en dag sedan",
"one_hour_ago": "för en timme sedan",
"one_minute_ago": "en minut sedan",
"one_month_ago": "en månad sedan",
"one_second_ago": "för en sekund sedan",
"one_year_ago": "ett år sedan",
"second": "andra",
"seconds": "sekunder",
"x_days_ago": "{x} dagar sedan",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} timmar sedan",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} minuter sedan",
"x_months_ago": "{x} månader sedan",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} sekunder sedan",
"x_years_ago": "{x} år sedan",
"year": "år",
"years": "år"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
"common": {
"about": "关于",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "AppDaemon应用",
"background_task": "后台任务正在运行,完成后将重新加载此页面。",
"check_log_file": "请查看日志文件以了解更多信息。",
"continue": "继续",
"disabled": "禁用",
"documentation": "文档",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS已禁用",
"installed": "已安装",
"integration": "自定义组件",
"integrations": "自定义组件",
"manage": "管理",
"netdaemon": "NetDaemon应用",
"netdaemon_apps": "NetDaemon应用",
"plugin": "Lovelace插件",
"plugins": "Lovelace插件",
"python_script": "Python脚本",
"python_scripts": "Python脚本",
"repositories": "仓库数量",
"settings": "设置",
"theme": "主题",
"themes": "主题",
"version": "版本"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "仅允许单个HACS配置。"
"error": {
"auth": "个人访问令牌不正确。"
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "启用AppDaemon应用发现和跟踪",
"netdaemon": "启用NetDaemon应用发现和跟踪",
"python_script": "启用python_scripts发现和跟踪",
"sidepanel_icon": "侧面板图标",
"sidepanel_title": "侧面板标题",
"theme": "启用主题发现和跟踪",
"token": "GitHub个人访问令牌"
"description": "如果您需要有关配置的帮助请在此处查看https:\/\/\/docs\/configuration\/start",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "您确定要将此添加到Lovelace资源中吗",
"bg_task": "后台任务正在运行时,操作被禁用。",
"cancel": "取消",
"continue": "你确定你要继续吗?",
"delete": "是否确实要删除\"{item}\"",
"delete_installed": "已安装 '{item}',需要先将其卸载,然后才能将其删除。",
"exist": "{item}已经存在",
"generic": "你确定吗?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "请等待Home Assistant现在正在重新启动。",
"home_assistant_version_not_correct": "您正在运行Home Assistant的版本为'{haversion}',但是这个需要安装最低版本是'{minversion}'。",
"no": "取消",
"no_upgrades": "暂无升级",
"ok": "确定",
"overwrite": "这样做会覆盖它。",
"reload_data": "这将重新加载HACS知道的所有仓库的数据这需要一些时间才能完成。",
"restart_home_assistant": "您确定要重新启动Home Assistant吗",
"uninstall": "您确定要卸载“ {item} ”吗?",
"upgrade_all": "这将升级所有这些仓库,请确保在继续之前已阅读所有仓库的发行说明。",
"yes": "确定"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "启用AppDaemon应用发现和跟踪",
"country": "用国家代码过滤。",
"debug": "启用调试。",
"experimental": "启用实验功能",
"netdaemon": "启用NetDaemon应用发现和跟踪",
"not_in_use": "不适用于 YAML",
"release_limit": "要显示的发行数量。",
"sidepanel_icon": "侧面板图标",
"sidepanel_title": "侧面板标题"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "此组件支持config_flow这意味着您现在可以转到UI的“集成”部分进行配置。",
"config_flow_title": "支持UI配置",
"integration_not_loaded": "此集成未加载到Home Assistant中。",
"no_restart_required": "无需重启",
"not_loaded": "未加载",
"plugin_not_loaded": "该插件未添加到您的Lovelace资源中。",
"restart": "您需要重新启动Home Assistant。",
"restart_pending": "重新启动待处理"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "添加到Lovelace",
"authors": "作者",
"available": "版本号",
"back_to": "返回",
"changelog": "更新日志",
"downloads": "下载",
"flag_this": "标记",
"frontend_version": "前端版本",
"github_stars": "GitHub星级",
"goto_integrations": "转到组件",
"hide": "隐藏",
"hide_beta": "隐藏测试版",
"install": "安装",
"installed": "已安装版本",
"lovelace_copy_example": "复制样例代码到你的剪贴板",
"lovelace_instruction": "您仍然需要将下列代码添加到lovelace配置中“ ui-lovelace.yaml”或原始配置编辑器:",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "无法确定此插件的类型,请检查仓库。",
"newest": "最新",
"note_appdaemon": "您仍然需要将其添加到“ apps.yaml”文件中",
"note_installed": "安装后,它将位于",
"note_integration": "您仍然需要将其添加到“ configuration.yaml”文件中",
"note_plugin": "您仍然需要将其添加到lovelace配置中“ ui-lovelace.yaml”或原始配置编辑器ui-lovelace.yaml",
"open_issue": "提交问题",
"open_plugin": "打开插件",
"reinstall": "重新安装",
"repository": "仓库",
"restart_home_assistant": "重新启动Home Assistant",
"show_beta": "显示测试版",
"uninstall": "卸载",
"update_information": "更新信息",
"upgrade": "升级"
"settings": {
"add_custom_repository": "添加自定义仓库",
"adding_new_repo": "添加新的仓库 '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "类别为 '{category}'。",
"bg_task_custom": "自定义仓库在后台任务运行时被隐藏。",
"category": "类别",
"compact_mode": "紧凑模式",
"custom_repositories": "自定义仓库",
"delete": "删除",
"display": "视图方式",
"grid": "网格",
"hacs_repo": "HACS仓库",
"hidden_repositories": "隐藏的仓库",
"missing_category": "您需要选择一个类别",
"open_repository": "打开仓库",
"reload_data": "重载数据",
"reload_window": "重新加载窗口",
"repository_configuration": "仓库数据配置",
"save": "保存",
"table": "列表",
"table_view": "表视图",
"unhide": "取消隐藏",
"upgrade_all": "升级全部"
"store": {
"ascending": "升序",
"clear_new": "清除所有新仓库标记",
"descending": "降序",
"last_updated": "最近更新时间",
"name": "名称",
"new_repositories": "新仓库",
"pending_upgrades": "待升级",
"placeholder_search": "搜索项目...",
"sort": "排序",
"stars": "星级",
"status": "状态"
"time": {
"ago": "过去",
"day": "天",
"days": "天",
"hour": "小时",
"hours": "小时",
"minute": "分",
"minutes": "分",
"month": "月",
"months": "月",
"one": "一",
"one_day_ago": "一天前",
"one_hour_ago": "一个小时之前",
"one_minute_ago": "一分钟前",
"one_month_ago": "一个月前",
"one_second_ago": "一秒钟前",
"one_year_ago": "一年前",
"second": "秒",
"seconds": "秒",
"x_days_ago": "{x}天前",
"x_hours_ago": "{x}小时前",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x}分钟前",
"x_months_ago": "{x}个月前",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x}秒前",
"x_years_ago": "{x}年前",
"year": "年",
"years": "年"

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ from custom_components.hacs.setup import (
from custom_components.hacs.globals import get_hacs
from import internet_connectivity_check
SCHEMA = hacs_base_config_schema()
@ -165,6 +166,8 @@ async def hacs_startup():
hacs.common.categories = ELEMENT_TYPES
if hacs.configuration.appdaemon:
if hacs.configuration.netdaemon:
if hacs.configuration.python_script:
hacs.configuration.python_script = False
if hacs.configuration.config_type == "yaml":

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class HacsFlowHandler(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN):
"""Show the configuration form to edit location data."""
return self.async_show_form(
data_schema=vol.Schema(hacs_base_config_schema(user_input, True)),

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ TOKEN = "token"
SIDEPANEL_TITLE = "sidepanel_title"
SIDEPANEL_ICON = "sidepanel_icon"
APPDAEMON = "appdaemon"
NETDAEMON = "netdaemon"
PYTHON_SCRIPT = "python_script"
THEME = "theme"
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ RELEASE_LIMIT = "release_limit"
EXPERIMENTAL = "experimental"
def hacs_base_config_schema(config: dict = {}) -> dict:
def hacs_base_config_schema(config: dict = {}, config_flow: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Return a shcema configuration dict for HACS."""
if not config:
config = {
@ -26,14 +27,24 @@ def hacs_base_config_schema(config: dict = {}) -> dict:
SIDEPANEL_ICON: "mdi:alpha-c-box",
THEME: False,
if config_flow:
return {
vol.Required(TOKEN, default=config.get(TOKEN)): str,
vol.Optional(SIDEPANEL_TITLE, default=config.get(SIDEPANEL_TITLE)): str,
vol.Optional(SIDEPANEL_ICON, default=config.get(SIDEPANEL_ICON)): str,
vol.Optional(APPDAEMON, default=config.get(APPDAEMON)): bool,
vol.Optional(NETDAEMON, default=config.get(NETDAEMON)): bool,
return {
vol.Required(TOKEN, default=config.get(TOKEN)): str,
vol.Optional(SIDEPANEL_TITLE, default=config.get(SIDEPANEL_TITLE)): str,
vol.Optional(SIDEPANEL_ICON, default=config.get(SIDEPANEL_ICON)): str,
vol.Optional(APPDAEMON, default=config.get(APPDAEMON)): bool,
vol.Optional(NETDAEMON, default=config.get(NETDAEMON)): bool,
vol.Optional(PYTHON_SCRIPT, default=config.get(PYTHON_SCRIPT)): bool,
vol.Optional(THEME, default=config.get(THEME)): bool,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"""Constants for HACS"""
NAME_LONG = "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
VERSION = "master"
VERSION = "0.23.2"
DOMAIN = "hacs"

View File

@ -70,3 +70,48 @@ class Backup:
while os.path.exists(self.backup_path):
self.logger.debug(f"Backup dir {self.backup_path} cleared")
class BackupNetDaemon:
def __init__(self, repository):
self.repository = repository
self.logger = Logger("hacs.backup")
self.backup_path = (
tempfile.gettempdir() + "/hacs_persistent_netdaemon/" +
def create(self):
"""Create a backup in /tmp"""
if os.path.exists(self.backup_path):
while os.path.exists(self.backup_path):
os.makedirs(self.backup_path, exist_ok=True)
for filename in os.listdir(self.repository.content.path.local):
if filename.endswith(".yaml"):
source_file_name = f"{self.repository.content.path.local}/{filename}"
target_file_name = f"{self.backup_path}/{filename}"
shutil.copyfile(source_file_name, target_file_name)
def restore(self):
"""Create a backup in /tmp"""
if os.path.exists(self.backup_path):
for filename in os.listdir(self.backup_path):
if filename.endswith(".yaml"):
source_file_name = f"{self.backup_path}/{filename}"
target_file_name = (
shutil.copyfile(source_file_name, target_file_name)
def cleanup(self):
"""Create a backup in /tmp"""
if os.path.exists(self.backup_path):
while os.path.exists(self.backup_path):
self.logger.debug(f"Backup dir {self.backup_path} cleared")

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ class Configuration:
# Main configuration:
appdaemon_path: str = "appdaemon/apps/"
appdaemon: bool = False
netdaemon_path: str = "netdaemon/apps/"
netdaemon: bool = False
config: dict = {}
config_entry: dict = {}
config_type: str = None

View File

@ -136,11 +136,12 @@ async def download_zip(repository, validate):
async def download_content(repository):
"""Download the content of a directory."""
contents = gather_files_to_download(repository)
if not contents:
raise HacsException("No content to download")
for content in contents:
if and is not None:
if and
if !=
repository.logger.debug(f"Downloading {}")

View File

@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ async def get_releases(repository, prerelease=False, returnlimit=5):
async def get_integration_manifest(repository):
"""Return the integration manifest."""
manifest_path = "manifest.json"
manifest_path = f"{repository.content.path.remote}/manifest.json"
if not manifest_path in [x.full_path for x in repository.tree]:
raise HacsException(f"No file found '{manifest_path}'")
@ -142,7 +145,7 @@ def get_file_name_plugin(repository):
if f"{location+'/' if location else ''}{filename}" in [
x.full_path for x in tree
]: = filename = filename.split("/")[-1]
repository.content.path.remote = location

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import os
import tempfile
from custom_components.hacs.globals import get_hacs
from custom_components.hacs.hacsbase.exceptions import HacsException
from custom_components.hacs.hacsbase.backup import Backup
from custom_components.hacs.hacsbase.backup import Backup, BackupNetDaemon
from import download_content
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ async def install_repository(repository):
"""Common installation steps of the repository."""
persistent_directory = None
await repository.update_repository()
repository.validate.errors = []
if not repository.can_install:
raise HacsException(
@ -23,7 +24,11 @@ async def install_repository(repository):
repository.ref = f"tags/{version}"
if repository.status.installed and == "netdaemon":
persistent_directory = BackupNetDaemon(repository)
if os.path.exists(
@ -86,6 +91,13 @@ async def reload_after_install(repository):
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
elif == "netdaemon":
"hassio", "addon_restart", {"addon": "e466aeb3_netdaemon"}
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
def installation_complete(repository):

View File

@ -1,20 +1,8 @@
"""Verify network."""
import socket
from socket import gaierror
from integrationhelper import Logger
def internet_connectivity_check():
def internet_connectivity_check(host=""):
"""Verify network connectivity."""
hosts = [{"host": "", "port": 443, "connection": False}]
for host in hosts:
socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM).connect(
(host["host"], host["port"])
host["connection"] = True
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
host["connection"] = False
return False not in [x["connection"] for x in hosts]
return True

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"documentation": "",
"documentation": "",
"domain": "hacs",
"issues": "",
"name": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)",
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from custom_components.hacs.repositories.theme import HacsTheme
from custom_components.hacs.repositories.integration import HacsIntegration
from custom_components.hacs.repositories.python_script import HacsPythonScript
from custom_components.hacs.repositories.appdaemon import HacsAppdaemon
from custom_components.hacs.repositories.netdaemon import HacsNetdaemon
from custom_components.hacs.repositories.plugin import HacsPlugin
@ -10,5 +11,6 @@ RERPOSITORY_CLASSES = {
"integration": HacsIntegration,
"python_script": HacsPythonScript,
"appdaemon": HacsAppdaemon,
"netdaemon": HacsNetdaemon,
"plugin": HacsPlugin,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
"""Class for netdaemon apps in HACS."""
from integrationhelper import Logger
from .repository import HacsRepository
from ..hacsbase.exceptions import HacsException
from custom_components.hacs.helpers.filters import get_first_directory_in_directory
class HacsNetdaemon(HacsRepository):
"""Netdaemon apps in HACS."""
def __init__(self, full_name):
super().__init__() = full_name = "netdaemon"
self.content.path.local = self.localpath
self.content.path.remote = "apps"
self.logger = Logger(f"hacs.repository.{}.{full_name}")
def localpath(self):
"""Return localpath."""
return f"{self.hacs.system.config_path}/netdaemon/apps/{}"
async def validate_repository(self):
await self.common_validate()
# Custom step 1: Validate content.
if self.repository_manifest:
self.content.path.remote = ""
if self.content.path.remote == "apps": = get_first_directory_in_directory(
self.tree, self.content.path.remote
self.content.path.remote = f"apps/{}"
compliant = False
for treefile in self.treefiles:
if treefile.startswith(f"{self.content.path.remote}") and treefile.endswith(
compliant = True
if not compliant:
raise HacsException(
f"Repostitory structure for {self.ref.replace('tags/','')} is not compliant"
# Handle potential errors
if self.validate.errors:
for error in self.validate.errors:
if not self.hacs.system.status.startup:
return self.validate.success
async def registration(self):
if not await self.validate_repository():
return False
# Run common registration steps.
await self.common_registration()
# Set local path
self.content.path.local = self.localpath
async def update_repository(self):
if self.hacs.github.ratelimits.remaining == 0:
await self.common_update()
# Get appdaemon objects.
if self.repository_manifest:
self.content.path.remote = ""
if self.content.path.remote == "apps": = get_first_directory_in_directory(
self.tree, self.content.path.remote
self.content.path.remote = f"apps/{}"
# Set local path
self.content.path.local = self.localpath

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class RepositoryData:
def name(self):
"""Return the name."""
if self.category == "integration":
if self.category in ["integration", "netdaemon"]:
return self.domain
return self.full_name.split("/")[-1]

View File

@ -93,7 +93,4 @@ class HACSSensor(HACSDevice):
"available version": repository.display_available_version,
return {
"repositories": data,
"attribution": "It is expected to see [object Object] here, for more info see",
return {"repositories": data}