node script with cron job that will keep a aws route53 dns A record up to date with the network's public IP when it is changed by an ISP
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Kebler Network System Administrator cf73f37a5d Added await-to-js for error checking added for lookup 2022-11-04 12:29:36 -07:00
config Added await-to-js for error checking added for lookup 2022-11-04 12:29:36 -07:00
systemd added in systemd unit and scripts 2020-10-13 08:30:34 -07:00
.eslintrc.js first functional version 2020-10-11 16:59:46 -07:00
.gitignore first functional version 2020-10-11 16:59:46 -07:00
index.js Added await-to-js for error checking added for lookup 2022-11-04 12:29:36 -07:00
nodemon.json added in systemd unit and scripts 2020-10-13 08:30:34 -07:00
package.json Added await-to-js for error checking added for lookup 2022-11-04 12:29:36 -07:00 first functional version 2020-10-11 16:59:46 -07:00
run added in systemd unit and scripts 2020-10-13 08:30:34 -07:00

Update DNS Record with Public Ip

Need a static IP for your network but don't want to pay for one? Run this node script which includes a cron job and your network can regularly check for changes in its public IP and update a DNS record at a AWS Route53 zone.

Get notified when the network's public IP changes and that the DNS record has been sucessfully updated

Setting/options in config directory