2020-06-07 17:42:03 +02:00

55 lines
1.8 KiB

Include shortcode can include files of different types. By specifying a language, the included file will have syntax highlighting.
## Shortcode
{{</* include file="relative/path/from/hugo/root" language="go" markdown=[false|true] */>}}
| Name | Usage | default |
| file | path to the included file relative to the hugo root | empty value |
| language* | language for [syntax highlighting](https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#list-of-chroma-highlighting-languages) | empty value |
| markdown | included file is markdown | false |
| options | highlighting [options](https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#highlight-shortcode) | linenos=table |
\* if not set, the content will be rendered as plain HTML
### Include *.yml file with options
{{</* include file="config.yaml" language="yaml" options="linenos=table,hl_lines=5-6,linenostart=100" */>}}
<!-- spellchecker-disable -->
{{< include file="config.yaml" language="yaml" options="linenos=table,hl_lines=5-6,linenostart=100">}}
<!-- spellchecker-enable -->
### Include *.md file
Included markdown files will be rendered using the `markdownify` filter.
{{< hint warning >}}
**Location of markdown files**\
If you include markdown files that should not get a menu entry, place them outside the content folder or exclude them otherwise.
{{< /hint >}}
{{</* include file="static/includes/table.md.part" markdown="true" */>}}
<!-- spellchecker-disable -->
{{< include file="static/includes/table.md.part" markdown="true" >}}
<!-- spellchecker-enable -->
### Include *.html file
HTML content will be filtered by the `safeHTML` filter and added to the rendered page output.
{{</* include file="static/includes/example.html.part" */>}}
{{< include file="static/includes/example.html.part" >}}